In this guide, you’ll find all the hints and solutions for the Chapter 4: The Trials in The Rise of the Golden Idol.
The Rise of the Golden Idol: Chapter 4 The Trials Walkthrough
Hints and solutions for all cases in Chapter 4: The Trials.
Feathered Frenzy – A Deadly Attack at the Aviary
Scene 1, Aviary
- Bottom left note with letter: Deathrattle, Nythalie’s, Mimicked, Scavenged
- Left Note with two warning triangles: The Red-Breasted, The Masked
- Left Note with one warning triangle: Heron, Grouse, Killing, Eggs
- Bird Incubator Hut
- Incubator: Incubator
- Warning: Overheated
- Worker, dead bird in her inventory: Hatchling
- Bush: Bush
- Yellow Bracelet in bird mouth: Bracket
- Note on Right with two red circles: Lori, Herald, Attacked, Cried, Discovered, Screams
- Right night with one red circle: The Bleary-Eyed, Morav
- Right note, no markings: Flower-Piercer, Agitated
- Worker on right: Declan
Scene 2, Worker Quarters
- Schedule: Feed, Marcie, Crystal, Declan
- Note by phone: Marcie, Declan
- Photo in Moore locker: Moore, Stolen
- Astor locker: Astor
- Palmer locker: Palmer, Stepped, Trained
- The clock by the incubator says it’s 12:40. Good time to step out for lunch
- A bird care guide has been torn up. It’s pages describe the names, appearance, and distinctive behavior of the 5 bird species. If you can match the pages up, it will explain everything
- That neon bracket has the idol runes and the OPIG logo on it. Does anyone here have an OPIG connection?
- The victim is holding yellow seed. Which species eats that?
- When we arrive, 3 of the bird species are aggravated and two of them are calm. The Trigger scroll shows 4 agitated species, so one of them must have calmed down and one of them was never agitated
- The green birds repeat human speech, so whatever they’re saying must be what was said before the incident. Gotta love the good old murder mystery parrots
- The dead man has white with a yellow center stain on the sole of his shoe. That doesn’t match the floors or dirt around here, so where did it come from?
- If the hatchling was killed by overexposure to the incubator, then whoever should have been watching it was away for too long. Was it carelessness or inexperience?
- The note with the red circles has a warning against two different types of speech. It appears to be against talking and against loud noises, separately
- One of the birds is noted to be fed with live prey (which explains why there’s only four feed bags). It must not consider the other 4 species as prey, as no aviary on their right mind would put prey and predator in the same enclosure.
- If that’s the case, then whatever bird feeds on live prey was not agitated.
- The two rightmost notes match: the Morag Aviary’s connects to Guide to Birds
- The leaf and double circle notes match: the Deathrattle mimics sounds and the – Lory entry mentions repeating words
- The single and double triangle notes match:The Red-breasted mentions Herons and the top entry of the other is a Heron
- The torn up bird guide is meant for new employees, so whoever was attacked was the new hire

Backstage Drama – Pandemonium at The Stardust Variety Hour
- Final Placement Board: Mr Vlad, Lily, Belle
- Blue Dress: Rigged, Show, Attacked
- White Suit: Vilmar, Soda
- Attacked Man: Athrarb, The Producer, Mitchell
- Contestant Order List: Cameron, Flake, Nola, Rockow, Jamey, Albright, Regina, Littlemore, Vilmar, Prado, Atharv, Reddy
- Cage: Cage
- Balls: Balls, The Juggler
- Trumpet: Trumpet, The Musician
Yayoi Kusama lookalike with puppet: The Burpist - Record: Scratched, Scratching
- Notice on winner board: Poured, Sabotage, Sabotaged, Released, The Host, Dante, Longo
- Camera: Burgin
- Camera Man: Jamey, Stole, Stolen, Stealing, Knives
- Note on camera man: The Ventriloquist, The Magician, Lily, The Juggler, Record, The Ballerina
- We have a list of contestant order with full first and last names. Any names not on the list must be staff or unrelated.
- Additionally, we have a list of placements for every act, connecting placement to talent
- It should be noted that there’s a ventriloquist and a magician’s rabbit here, so we have some names floating around that don’t refer to humans.
- The winning name on the board looks like it was hastily put over an existing act. Did someone change acts?
- The ballerina alleges that the show was rigged against her, and she is the most obviously screwed over of the bunch, but was she the only person who had their act go off the rails?
- The studio has no weapons policy, so the producer notes that someone had to use something else instead of knves. What skill could possibly involve that?
- The Winners of Yesteryear board has several faces that look a little similar to contestants, but only one exact match
- This studio has a no weapon policy. Despite this, someone put two deep, parallel
scratches into that record. What did they use? - The wolf tattoo looks like it was put over an existing tattoo. What letters would that W and F cover up?
- Why is that trumpet covered in orange muck? Is that one the blooper note meant by sticky valves?
- That cage looks sturdy. How could a rabbit get out by accident?
- Always be careful when handling animals. You’d hate to get your hand bitten.
- The producer note says that Lily ran on stage driving the jugglers act and the magician complained that her rabbit came one act late. The juggler is one act after the magician.

Spieldance – Atharv’s Winning Act
- Book on table
- Triangle: Food, Door, Doors, Key, Keys, Machine, Machines, Spider, Spiders, Fool, Fools, Forbidden, Vampire, Vampires
- Stick Figure: Build, Beware, Shout, Shut
- Hand: Knowledge, Obedience, Evil, Strength, Curiosity
- Pants: Opens, The
The goal of this scenario is to simply translate that dance into a sentence.
- The event scroll has a recording of the dance you can pause and scrub through
- Arm position is a noun or verb, with the exception of Forbidden, which requires legs. Some words require 2 positions
- If a word has two positions, doing the two moves in reverse order translates to its antonym
- A two finger point to a body part translates to an attribute
- A one foot stance is plural; cross legged sitting is a definite article
- He signals 9 words. The first four are one sentence. Your answer should come out to a coherent statement
- Check his feet whenever you think he’s signaling a noun to see if its plural
- Athvar does not perfectly face the camera and occasionally turns around. Try to think of what a position would look like from a different angle
- You’re specifically shown that Give and Steal can be communicated by reversing the other word, but that’s true of all two position moves
- He never sits down, so there’s no The’s
- Arthvar does ten distinct poses. If he is encoding nine words, then one and only one them is a double pose word

Complex – A High-Rise Tragedy
I’m going to go floor by floor for simplicity’s sake.
Ground Floor
- Square Window on Left, Lobby:
- Hesper Towers resident Directory: Winthrop, Sawyer, Nakana, Ozola, Wright, Steensen, Bird, Knox, Colms
- Bulletin Board: Research Study, Cheyenne, Spencer, Picnic, Issa
- Laundry basket: Colms
- Round Window on Right, Laundromat Man: Patience, Earnest, Stabbed
First Floor
- Left Apartment, 1A, redhead woman: Lovana
- Right Apartment, 1B:
- Conspiracy board: Memoires, Photo
- Diary, purple: Constance, Offered
- Message Machine: Colms, Received, Research Study
Second Floor
- Left Apartment, 2A, Note on door: Kai, Took
- Right Apartment, 2B, measuring marks on entry way: Jane
Third Floor
- Left Apartment, 3A, Cat food package: Spencer Wright
- Right Apartment, 3B:
- White board schedule: Picnic, Sonny, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Kenneth
- Letter on table: Kenneth, Bo
Forth Floor
- Left Apartment, 4A, Mother: Sawyer
- Right Apartment, 4B:
- Blonde: Picnic, Threat, Threatened
- Brunette: Sonny, Darcy
- Roof, smoking woman: Sabrina, Forgot, Dumped
- If you see an obvious conclusion, think twice. This is the most straight forward suicide I’ve ever seen
- The Photo scroll asks you to identify who took these photos and on which day. Did anything in these photos change between days?
- Whoever took the photo for the picnic had their had partially in frame and they have a band aid on their finger
- According to the clock in 2A, it’s 7:15. It’s likely the evening, as several people are siting down for dinner.
- The bulletin board says that Issa and his son were not at the picnic
- If we look at the research poster on the bulletin board, three slips have been taken.
- When you see someone with a switchblade getting a red stain out of their shirt, it’s natural to be suspicious, but it could be from any red mess.
- The mother says that there was a gun shot a half hour ago, or 6:45 PM. This death was recent
- Assigning everyone to their apartment will make naming everyone so much easier
- The directory lists the inhabitants of B4 as having different last names, which means that the inhabitants of every other apartment all share one last name per apartment
- The letter in B3 says that Bo saw something at the picnic, so he must have been there
- The B4 game night is set up for three people, but only two are currently playing. Did someone leave?
- The mother says that Sawyer will be there soon and her fridge says inspections are on Tuesday at 7:20 PM. If it’s 7:15 PM, then it must be Tuesday
- If someone threatened me, I’d be on my best behavior. Anyone acting recklessly must be real stubborn or have something wrong with them cognitively
- The dead man’s apartment got a phone call saying that someone will “go up there and remind you” of their agreement at the picnic. Whoever shot him came from downstairs
- A recurring motif throughout this chapter is people with OPIG wristbands either forgetting (Declan forgetting the rules of his job) or remembering things they shouldn’t know (Arhtar doing a Spieldance). Is something deeper afoot?
- Whoever’s memories she received, they were from someone threatened with a gun on the day of the picnic. Who meets that description?
Names, Photos, and Residents Scroll:

Events Scroll:

Chapter Scroll
First, let’s recap:
- Scenario 1: 8/30 (daily notes). Declan Astor heads in to his second day on the job as a bird keeper. Unfortunately, after going to an OPIG test, he completely forgets the rules of interacting with the birds, leading to him being mauled and killed by a Masked Grouse
- Scenario 2: Unclear date, 1975. Atharv Reddy has to swap acts when his first choice is made unfeasible. Surprisingly, he does an excellent dance and wins
- Scenario 3: Shortly before scenario 3. Moumaati watches Atharv dance and is shocked to see that he’s doing a Spieldance, an ancient Lemurian dance that takes months to learn
- Scenario 4: 9/21/75, (messaging machine). Sonny Spencer is threatened that he will be killed if he antagonizes his tenants again on 9/18. However, he goes in for an experiment on 9/20 and loses his memories of being warned, so he antagonizes the person who wants him dead again. Tenant Lavona Colms receives his memories and tries to intervene, but is too late. Unrelated, the Knox household goes to the same experiment.
New Evidence:
- Subject 37 did not return for his follow up leaving a data disc irrelevant to the research team
- Jack Nowak identifies the time frame setting for various lens. Doughnut button refers to 1 minute. A day, 3 days, and a month are also mentioned
- A group of discs. One is tagged as 37 and another is tagged as useless
- Outcomes for a trail. Subject numbers are corresponded to ages, sex, hair color, and height. Several didn’t follow up and one needed parental consent
- Those seals have the same shape and light as the Lemurian seal bought in the action. They must be Lemurian artifacts
- We have 6 wrist bands (Declan, Atharv, Sonny, Sabrina, Jane, and Lavona), but we have 8 slots for transfers. The reaminder have to come from the disc
- The runes on the wristbands are written similar to the idol instructions. In the past, they’ve been Action Subject Element. The first symbol is the same Give and Take as last chapter, but the middle and end are up to you to figure out
- Declan has half moon dot for his middle, as do Sabrina and Jane. Atharv has square dot. Sonny and Lavona have half moon triangle
- The useless information disk has 4 times as much as 37’s memories. It must have a larger quantity of memory on it.
- We know two people who wouldn’t return for a follow up, as they’ve died
- The subject list has no repeats on gender and hair color, except for brown haired women and bald men. If we were trying to ID someone who had a double, we’re going to have to go to height or some other attribute
- We know from the time note that the circle dot, “the doughut”, represents a minute, so we can assume that the other middle runes represent quantities of time