In this guide, you’ll find all the hints and solutions for the Boardroom Brawl in The Rise of the Golden Idol.
The Rise of the Golden Idol: Boardroom Brawl Walkthrough
Chapter 5 – The Pinnacle: Scenario 2
Boardroom Brawl: A Fight Breaks Out at OPIG HQ
Scene 1, Boardroom
- Nathan Hoyle: Deduced
- Television: Live, Broadcast
- Speaker: Mounted, Speaker
- Phone: Phone, Speaker
- Red glasses, meeting minutes: Board, Headquarters, Nathan, Hoyle, Jasmine, Patel, Annette, Spender, Jeremy, Drake
Scene 2, Lab
- I.D.O.L.: I.D.O.L., Take, From, Give, To
- Phone: Phone, Speaker, Overheard
- Jack: Nowak, Eugene
- Demo Prep on Jack: Eugene, Tesa, 1 Minute, 1 Day, Received, Spender, Marie
- Tesa: Nevari, Phone, Jack, Board
- Eugene’s paper: Predicted
- Eugene: Marmot, Tim
- Spender: Memory
- Envelope on Spender: Sealed, Drawning, Premonition
- Love Motel Coupon: Love, Motel
- Spender’s day planner: Bag, Haven, New, Wells, Demonstration, Laboratory, Headquarters, Annette
- Marie Westlake: Westlake, Spender
- Note on Marie: Tristan, Dreyfuss, OPIG
- Camera intern: Gossip
- In parapsychology circles, there’s a test called the Ganzfeld experiment. Basically, a psychic attempts to send information, such as an image, to a person in a sensory deprivation booth. Mind you, the I.D.O.L can directly and literally share images from one person to another, so it’s not pseudoscience
- According to the meeting minutes, the current day is 4/26/76
- Spender had to drive in for the demonstration, so the lab and headquarters are not in the same place.
- A love motel is a no-tell motel where people go to have sex. If someone tells you that they spent the night at a love hotel, they didn’t exactly get a full night’s sleep
- The lab phone is broken. I wouldn’t be surprised if any other parts of the audio-visual setup are busted.
- The way boardroom members are arguing makes it sounds like whatever gossip reached their ears is news to them
- Eugene, the cameraman, and the board are all reeling from some gossip, while the other members of the lab are chill and unbothered. How did this information only selectively reach people?
- The cameraman notes that he’s been affected even though he’s outside the range of influence. How did that happen?
- The boardroom speaker is unplugged, the broadcast is on mute, and the camera’s audio cord is unplugged. No sound is getting to the boardroom
- Part of the job of a camera person is to closely watch the broadcast to make sure it’s working as expected. He’d be seeing the same images as the board
- According to Jack Nowak, Eugene changed the demonstration at the last minute, swapping the minute lens for the day lens. If that’s the case, then more memories than expected were transmitted
- If you go back to Blockbuster, that drive-in was famously immersive due to its unique crystal. They used it to project images onto a screen. A film is just a series of photos projected by lights and a lens onto a subject. Are memories that same?