In this guide, you’ll find all the hints and solutions for the Chapter 1: The Curse in The Rise of the Golden Idol.
The Rise of the Golden Idol: Chapter 1 The Curse Walkthrough
Hints and solutions for all cases in Chapter 1: The Curse.
Academic Impact – The Death of a Brilliant Mind
- Car: Car
- Woman in red coat: Cyril
- Note in her inventory: Debra, Brandon
- Ring: Ring
- Man with glasses: Bagman
- Key, in his inventory
- Building in back, with a red door: Issac, bridge
- Dead body in street:
- Body: Slipped on, went for, fell from, collided with
- Brown address book: John, Robkin, Thomas, Crow, Caleb, Reynolds
- Pack of Cigarettes: cigarettes
- Speech: Nowak
- Snow covered stairs: Stairs
- The tricky part of this case is going to be figuring out the victim’s cause of death. If all else fails, process of elimination. What couldn’t he have died from?
- The speaker of the speech says that critiquing Nowak is critiquing themself, so that must be their name
- The speech has one person’s writing in red, which matches the red pen held by the victim.
- The dead man has several addresses in his inventory, none of which must be his, as he wouldn’t need a rolodex for his own name and address
- Does the symbol on Sir Issac’s door match with any other evidence?
- The victim has a pack of cigarettes on him, but they don’t match any of the ones sold in the cigarette machine.
- Does the victim’s torn yellow sleeve match anything else in the area?
- The victim sliding down the stairs does not necessarily mean he fell down the stairs. He could have landed on them.
- What’s with the disturbed snow on the bridge guard rail?

Under Construction – A Brutal Blue Collar Departure
- Construction worker on left: Monty
- The one he’s talking to: Ted
- Inspector: Jenkins, Roy, Samson
- Inspector by pipe: Roy, Gun, Ian, Worth
- Cadaver in pipe: Luke, Brown
- Message on corpse: Old, Docks, Hunter, Wolf, Benny, Crystal
- Crushed construction worker, note: Sewage, Pipe, Werter, Electric, Cables, Totsky, Garage, Building
- Wrecking Ball Note: Demolisher, Excavator, Cutter
- Cutter: Mug, Bill
- Anchor Woman: Joel, Gregson, Miranda, Meadows
- If you had to safely demolish a rigid pipe, how would you do it? Flip that train of thought and think of how to do it unsafely and you’ll land on what happened in this case
- The picture in the excavator resembles a suspect, if you imagine how they’d look when they were younger
- We know from the two talking construction workers their first names, and we know from the inspector the last name of the third worker. Are there any clues reliant on a first name or last name you don’t know yet?
- The dead body in the pipe is irrelevant to the demolition accident. It will be important to the chapter scroll, but for now, pay it no mind.
- The safety note in the demolisher says you should always check the status lights of a vehicle before moving.
- If that’s true, the cutter couldn’t have been used
- The foreman note states the last names of the excavator (Werter) and demolisher (Totsky) drivers, so the other last name, Jenkins, must be the cutter driver
- The pipe that crushed the foreman has a spherical dent in it. What could have caused that?

Newsflash – The Sudden Announcement of a Sinister Cult
Scene 1: Outside police station
- Inspector Samson on left: Homicide, Roy, Samson
- Note on Samson: Roy, Sebastian, Possum 13, Beetle 4, Cougar 9
- Worth, next to Samson: Ian, Worth
- Press Conference Questions, Camera: Police, Corruption, Tragic, Accident, Red, Curse, Drug, Connection, Deliberate
- Police Commissioner speaking: Offered
- Mourning Woman: Jack
- Man on right of woman: Showed
Scene 2: Window on left, Morgue
- Cadaver on left, Tiger 98
- Cadaver on upper left, Gecko 71
- List taped to back wall: Murder, Suicide, A, B, C, D
- Cadaver on upper right, Monkey 34
- Cadaver on bottom right, Beetle 4
Scene 3: Window on right, office trash can: Victim photo
- Drawer on left: Cougar 9, Red, Curse, Roy, Samson, Luke, Brown, Benny, Crystal, Hunter, Wolf
- Left case file on desk: Possum 13, Dirty, William, Cougar 9
- Computer on Desk: Walsh, Board, Position
- Case file on right: Bridge, Case, Issac, Nowak, Eliazabeth, Adam, Jack
- The press conference is about what the commissioner is claiming, not what’s actually occurred
- According to Worth, Roy called the conference, so why isn’t he giving it?
- One of the bodies in the morgue has to be Issac Nowak, the victim of the first case. Does he have any distinguishing marks?
- The paper in the back of the morgue says the cause of death, release date, and Case Name of the 4 bodies in the morgue. This could be used to find the Case Name of the Nowak fall
- The woman outside says that she just had someone’s body released that day and we have a list of body release dates in the morgue. Is there another document with the date on it anywhere?
- The mourning woman is the daughter of someone who recently died from a fall and her last name (letter) begins with a N. Ring any bells?
- What would anyone gain from cutting the eyes out of the victims photo? What information would that obfuscate?
- The commissioner got a computer from Wisdom Interconnected. Wonder who runs that company?
- Check Nowak’s body in Scenario 1. Issac Nowak has an X shaped mark on his neck
- That’s strange. If we accept that the picture is Issac, then it contradicts Elizabeth’s claim that they’re having a closed casket funeral because of a disfigured face. Why would she refuse to let others see his face?
- That’s odd. The note in the back of the morgue says that Issac Novak’s cause of death is unknown. If that’s so, maybe what happened to him wasn’t actually an accident?
- The commissioner is reassigning the detective, Roy, away from investigating Issac Nowak’s death and confiscating the case file. What, or who, would convince him to do such a thing?

Chapter Scroll
This chapter scroll is broken into two parts. You must answer the first to answer the second.
First, let’s recap the three cases we just saw:
- Scenario 1: Famous genius Issac Nowak leaves his house for a meeting, only to fall to his death from the suspended bridge by his property. His body was found by the Bagman couple.
- Scenario 2: This case was chronologically before Case 1 (Case notes in Scenario 3). A construction accident inadvertently unearths the body of Luke Brown, a vagrant found with bright red eyes and a note telling him to meet with a Hunter Wolf
- Scenario 3: Inspector Roy calls a meeting to discuss the Red Curse, a series of mysterious deaths where homeless people are found dead with red eyes. Supernatural phenomena are rumored to be the cause, but the alternative answer, the one the police chief suggests, is drug use. Issac Nowak’s body was found with red eyes, suggesting that he was partaking in whatever killed the Red Curse victims. Nowak’s daughter Elizabeth caught wind of this and bribed the police commissioner Sebastian with a job position to have all evidence that Nowak was related to the Red Curse case destroyed and to have the investigation stalled.
New Evidence:
- A letter from the Rare Talent Fund telling an unknown party that they will fund Brandon’s education if they maintain confidentiality
- A letter threatening someone to talk to the commissioner to keep the condition of a body secret
- A forensic analysis report sent to inspector Samson. The bodies from two different cases of the Red Curse were likely affected by the same affliction, unlikely to share a cause of death, and did not have substances in their system
- A journal detailing the addresses and suspects of Cougar 9 case
Story 1 Hints:
- Back in case 3, Beetle 4 refers to the death of Issac Novak, Scenario 1, and Cougar 9 refers to the Red Curse deaths, specifically Luke Brown, Scenario 2.
- Who runs the Rare Talent Find? Does an organization bribing witnesses remind you of any other people?
- The idea that the Red Curse victims were killed by a drug is only substantiated by the chief of police, who we understand to be corrupt and easily bribed

Story 2 Hints:
- The note in Issac’s house in Scenario 1 said that Issac was going to a meeting at 45c stockyard street. Ring any bells?
- The threatening letter has no signature other than a drawing of a wolf hunting with a bow. Perhaps that’s a name in its own right?