In this guide, you’ll find all the hints and solutions for the Newsflash in The Rise of the Golden Idol.
The Rise of the Golden Idol: Newsflash Walkthrough
Chapter 1 – The Curse: Scenario 3
Newsflash: The Sudden Announcement of a Sinister Cult
Scene 1: Outside Police Station
- Inspector Samson on left: Homicide, Roy, Samson
- Note on Samson: Roy, Sebastian, Possum 13, Beetle 4, Cougar 9
- Worth, next to Samson: Ian, Worth
- Press Conference Questions, Camera: Police, Corruption, Tragic, Accident, Red, Curse, Drug, Connection, Deliberate
- Police Commissioner speaking: Offered
- Mourning Woman: Jack
- Man on right of woman: Showed
Scene 2: Window on left, Morgue
- Cadaver on left, Tiger 98
- Cadaver on upper left, Gecko 71
- List taped to back wall: Murder, Suicide, A, B, C, D
- Cadaver on upper right, Monkey 34
- Cadaver on bottom right, Beetle 4
Scene 3: Window on right, office trash can: Victim photo
- Drawer on left: Cougar 9, Red, Curse, Roy, Samson, Luke, Brown, Benny, Crystal, Hunter, Wolf
- Left case file on desk: Possum 13, Dirty, William, Cougar 9
- Computer on Desk: Walsh, Board, Position
- Case file on right: Bridge, Case, Issac, Nowak, Eliazabeth, Adam, Jack
- The press conference is about what the commissioner is claiming, not what’s actually occurred
- According to Worth, Roy called the conference, so why isn’t he giving it?
- One of the bodies in the morgue has to be Issac Nowak, the victim of the first case. Does he have any distinguishing marks?
- The paper in the back of the morgue says the cause of death, release date, and Case Name of the 4 bodies in the morgue. This could be used to find the Case Name of the Nowak fall
- The woman outside says that she just had someone’s body released that day and we have a list of body release dates in the morgue. Is there another document with the date on it anywhere?
- The mourning woman is the daughter of someone who recently died from a fall and her last name (letter) begins with a N. Ring any bells?
- What would anyone gain from cutting the eyes out of the victims photo? What information would that obfuscate?
- The commissioner got a computer from Wisdom Interconnected. Wonder who runs that company?
- Check Nowak’s body in Scenario 1. Issac Nowak has an X shaped mark on his neck
- That’s strange. If we accept that the picture is Issac, then it contradicts Elizabeth’s claim that they’re having a closed casket funeral because of a disfigured face. Why would she refuse to let others see his face?
- That’s odd. The note in the back of the morgue says that Issac Novak’s cause of death is unknown. If that’s so, maybe what happened to him wasn’t actually an accident?
- The commissioner is reassigning the detective, Roy, away from investigating Issac Nowak’s death and confiscating the case file. What, or who, would convince him to do such a thing?