In this guide, you’ll find all the hints and solutions for the Going Once in The Rise of the Golden Idol.
The Rise of the Golden Idol: Going Once Walkthrough
Chapter 2 – the Pursuit: Scenario 4
Going Once! – A Shocking Murder at the Auction House!
Scene 1, Auction 7:45 PM
- Blue Circle stand: Nils, Wilmington
- Oriel Toussiant: Robbie, Outbid
- Jumping Woman: Steal, Stealing, Stole
- Redhead: Albion, Adria
- Sitting Blonde: Mask, Lemuria
- Cane: Cane
- Speaker: Sell, Gavel, Keys
- Man in Apron’s clipboard: Robbie, Froberg, Bogart
Scene 2, Upstairs , 7:15 PM
- Circuit Box: Circuit Box
- Security Guard: Knightley, Keys
Scene 3, Downstairs 8:40 PM
- Person on Left: Oriel, Seal
- Second person on left: Lanka
- 4th person, with a tin cup: Tess. Check autograph for Erwin and Summer
- 5th Person: Moumaati
- Sixth Person: Statue, Pushed
- Animal on floor: Creature
- Mask on floor: Mask
- Clipboard on bar: Toussiant, Dasilva, Nevari
Scene 4, Upstairs 8:40 PM
- Item on floor: Totem
- Check in Safe: Aurelia, Winston
- When you see murder victim upstairs, the obvious guess is that they’re the security guard. Is that right? Are they holding anything that proves their identity?
- Who is standing where in the blackout? This is the smoking gun for the killer’s identity
- If you played the first game’s DLC, you’ll recognize that the pink text the blonde woman speaks in is for the Lemurian language. If not, there’s her plane ticket
- The prologue Constriction took place in 1977 (Morh Brakka’s patient list) and this auction is in 1974 (Lemurian woman’s plane ticket/check in safe). Oriel Toussiant has not yet been institutionalized.
- The blonde with the prominent cheekbones and Farrah Fawcett hair resembles the Marini Figurine and the lady on the TV guide from the last two scenarios. Is she famous?
- The little statue should look familiar: it’s the one the colleague had to obtain for the historian back in Garden Retreat
- The cocktails sold here have distinctive glasses and colors.
- At the point of the auction, the third lot, the Darkhand mask, is currently being bid on. The first two lots have been sold and the last two have yet to be bid on
- With the exception of the redhead who carries a checkbook, all of the auction customers carry their money in cash. If they bought any of the lots (or a cocktail), it would be subtracted between the auction and the moment of the blackout
- The victim upstairs has a book of lots, their prices, and a letter-number corresponding to the buyer. 1/5 were bought by A-4, 2/3 by S-3, and 4 by M-5. What does the letter-number combination stand for?
- Whoever the killer is, they have a note on them saying that someone else will distract the security guard. Two people are scheming tonight
- The safe upstairs has 7,000 and a check for 6,500, which happens to correspond to the prices in the log book for lots 1-3. We can assume that at the time of the murder, the first 3 lots were paid for and retrieved and the murderer interrupted the 4th. Why then?
- There’s an easy example to use to solve for the letter-number combos. There’s a check in the safe for 6,500 by Aurelia Winston. This corresponds to Lot 1 and the fact that it corresponds to a check points to the red head downstairs in the forth seat. Therefore, we can say that A-4 is for Aurelia in the fourth seat. This means there’s a S in the third seat and a M in the fifth seat
- If Nevari bought 3 SSS cocktails, then why is the copper mug held by the security guard?
It’s hard to hint who the killer is without explaining who is who in the blackout.
Blackout, 1st Floor
- First person on left is Aurelia (Checkbook and the seal she bought)
- Second person is Summer (spent 7000 and refers to a Lanka centerpiece)
- Third person is Oriel (Bought the absinthe and has 3,090 (3,100 – 10))
- Fourth person is Erwin (has summer’s autograph)
- Fifth person is Tesa (She has 17,910, as she bought three SSS, so (18,000 – 90)
- Sixth person is Moumatti: says she bought the statue and is holding a martini and 19,980 (20,000 – 20).
Who does that leave to be the victim and killer?