In this guide, you’ll find all the hints and solutions for the Ignition in The Rise of the Golden Idol.
The Rise of the Golden Idol: Ignition Walkthrough
Scene 1, Locker Room
- Cork board: Tests, Lab
- 2nd Locker: Self Help Book: Baird
- Harmony foundation pamphlet: Enter
- 3rd Locker:
- Coat: Jack
- Pictures: Both hands, One Hand
- 4th Locker:
- Leadership tensing: Activated, Opportunity
- Crumpled paper: Westlake, Spender, Nathan, Hoyle, Follow, Accuse
- White Paper: Board Inspection, Oriel, Jack, Eugene, Unlocked
- Trash barrel: Whiskey
- Oriel Toussiant: Access Card
Scene 2: Lab
- Man by door: Marie, Tim, Bickered
- Machine: Controls, Device
- Jack Nowak: Access Card
- Book on Shelf: Nowak, Toussiant, Marmot, Reconstict, Revoked, Approval
- Man on Fire: Fire
- Balding Executive: Responsibility
- Redhead woman: Touch, Access Card
- According to the note in rightmost locker, the lab staff, with the exception of Eugene, have access cards.
- The board inspection note says that the lab is usally locked, but will be unlocked on the 18th. What day is it?
- ID’ing the fingerprints will be a challenge and a test of figuring out who does and touches what, but one’s easy: the man opening the door left his print right there.
- The lockers have, in order: a spare pair of glasses and Lemurian history books, a orange powdet stain, Jack Nowak’s coat, and a letter to Dr Westlake and a labor distribution sheet. This should be enough to ID which if the 4 lab staff they belong to.
- Whoever’s on cleaning duty is making a mess with those nacho chips
- The fingerprint scroll has places for four names, but only 3 of them are prints. The forth is an orange stain. Is that enough to ID someone?
- According to the Westlake note, there have been repeated allegations of Spender drinking on the job
- The photos in Nowak’s locker allege that both the button and runes need to be touched at once to activate the effects
- If that’s true, then the only person that could have set off the device would have had to have a fingerprint or other trace on both the button and the runes.

There’s a couple fun touches here if you remember the first game.
- The blue pen notes say that the lab has been weirdly cold as of late, and that’s because the idol works by giving and taking. For it to make fire, it must suck in heat, chilling the surrounding area.
- If we remember the first game’s runes, the panel says Increased Matter Heat.