In this guide, you’ll find all the hints and solutions for the Blockbuster Release in The Rise of the Golden Idol.
The Rise of the Golden Idol: Blockbuster Release Walkthrough
Chapter 2 – the Pursuit: Scenario 3
Blockbuster Release: An Immersive Experience at the Drive-In
Scene 1, left side of drive in
- Projectionist booth:
- Poster: Escape, Neptune, Taken
- Toolbox: click on red wire for Cut, Red
- Projectionist: Cunningham, Fire, Fix
- Projector Troubleshooting Guidelines: Projector, Started
- Camera Lens: click on blue crystal for Crystal
- Blonde Cosplayer on left: Beck, Mason
- Power box:
- Examination sheet: Lemmons
- Lock: Broke
- Car on Fire backseat: Wire Cutters, Paint, Blue
- Man in Blue vest: Bet
- Note on Blue Vest man: Mike, Jenny, Lose
- The Blonde Cosplayer on right: Win
- Note on her: Chen, Lendl, Cinema
- Car in middle, front licence plate: Vincent
- Man driving car in middle: Champ, Transom, bills for Money
- Car with pirate
- Pirate: Laura,
- Blonde: Transom, Marini, Bertrand
Scene 2, Right Side of Drive-In
- Screen: Screen
- Crashed Car front: Car Crash
- Space Storm Poster on right: Porbo, Captain, Block
- Box Office:
- Banned For Life Photos: Augie, Tamine, Banned
- Employee Schedule List: Andy
- Phone Receiver: Sarah, Stole
- Clipboard: Costume, Doug, Baxter, Parker, Annie, Kishimoto, Tom, Powers, Tooth
- Yellow Note: Weird Lady, Buy, Exit, Head
Events 1 Hints:
- When you got here, the first you noticed was likely the fire and the car crash, but the first event scroll wants the leadup to those events.
- The duffel full of mysterious instructions is a good place to start.
- Just to make life difficult, there’s 8 people dressed for the costume contest: 2 as the blonde, 2 as the alien, 2 as the blue vest, and 2 as the robot. Figuring out the movie character names will help us name characters
- The poster says it’s 5/1, which means the power box was just examined that day. If that’s the case, what’s the deal with that green wire?
- According to the listing in the office, maintenance is working the projection booth
- The Neptune Difference Poster shows that the projector uses a red crystal, but the Crystal in the machine is blue. What happened there?
- The costume contest associates a name with a corresponding costume and prize. A popcorn bonanza honestly seems nicer than winning a figurine of Marini. Who wouldn’t want a car full of popcorn?
- The two aliens have different interpretations of the design: one has sharp teeth and the other blocky squares
- If there’s no red crystal on the scene, then maybe someone’s altered it’s color. Look for other colors of crystal
- Augie Tamine has been banned for life and would not be allowed to enter if anyone were to see their face. Is anyone here dressed in such a way that you can’t see their face?

Events 2 Hints:
- The crux of the argument between those two people is that they bet something was going to happen in the film, it didn’t, and so one of them replicated it in the real world to technically win. What did they repeat?
- Whoever was in the booth left in such a hurry that they left the phone off the hook and spilled their coffee. What had them so frantic?
- Why is the woman in the crashed car muttering that no one can leave?
- The screen clearly shows that something has gone wrong with the projection. It’s distorted and the color’s all blue
- Augie says he didn’t plan for a fire tonight, so someone else must have started it