In this guide, you’ll find all the hints and solutions for the Steelside Warehouse in The Rise of the Golden Idol.
The Rise of the Golden Idol: Steelside Warehouse Walkthrough
Chapter 5 – The Pinnacle: Scenario 4
Steelside Warehouse: Dark Experiments at the Docks
Scene 1, Outside
- Brown Container: Brown, Container
- Cardboard box summary of 1976, Scrawny, Marvin, Hunter, Wolf, Dirty, William, Memories
- Red Container:
- Left box diary: Harry, William, Like, Hunter, Wolf, Phil
- Right box, name list: Harry, Luke, Hunter, Orion, Elijah, Funny, Phil
- Ship: Wrecked, Ship
Scene 2, Warehouse
- Left Shutter, ES journal in drawer: Euphoria, Sunnies, Cutter, Steelside, Warehouse, Elijah, Sinclair, Body, Wolf
- Right shutter:
- Photo Board: Scrawny, Marvin, Luke, Brown, Harry, Stone, Dirty, William, Orion, Sky, Funny, Phil, Elijah, Trouble
- I.D.O.L Range Commands: I.D.O.L., Take, Give, Some, All
- Brown notebook: Trouble, Lake, Assistant, Experimented
Scene 3, Yacht
- Name, Sea Breeze
- Cabin on side, letter on orange cap: Avoid, Trouble, Live, Broadcast
Scene 4, Top Deck
- Cocktail on instrument: Caused, Sabotaged, Synthesizer
- Hat: Cordelia
- Man on left: Brock, check card for Hatz
- Women with glasses: Tucker, poster for Fairchild
- Pink shirt: Cordelia, Olivia, Sterling
- Strapless white dress: Musical, Skills, Gabriel.
- Letter on white dress: Prescott, Gabriel, Olivia, Girard
- Woman on right: Arabella
- According to the yacht invitation, it’s 9/17
- When you see the people in the yacht talk, you might think they’re describing themselves, but they’re actually describing a second person, with the exception of the forgetful one.
- The yacht camera shows a timeline of people there. One man and one woman started out, the man who was initially there grabbed a cocktail and went to the Synthizer, and then everyone got into their current placements
- Almost everyone on the boat carries something with their name on it and a hint corresponding to another’s impression of them.
- The blue cap photo on the board is Luke Brown, the dead man in Under Construction
- One of the homeless men calls another Luke, which is odd, as Luke’s body was found in that sewer pipe back in July.
- The Possum 13 case file in Newsflash says that a dead body in the container was found in the steelside docks. The deceased was Dirty William… but the case file was opened on 12/1/1977, so he must be alive today
- Of the four men at the fire, 2 of them are extremely loyal to Hunter and 2 are skeptical. What could make a person trust Hunter so much?
- The E.S. Journal has a sudden about-face between pages. What could have so suddenly and thoroughly changed his mind?
- The dwelling guide says that, when choosing a dwelling, warmth > security > space > privacy. That is, a spacious but cold dwelling is worse than a warm cramped dwelling
- The summary of 1976, the journal in the bed with the buttons, and the notebook in the third shutter assign a time frame to when people arrive
- The 1976 summary mentions a person who died a year back, so one name is not present
- If someone wrote a list of observations on other people, they would not include themselves. Therefore, the missing name is the writer.
- The newest person is in the worst dwelling, oldest in the best.
- The hands down worst dwelling would have to be the boat. No door, open windows
- The two beds in the same dwelling are nearly the same comfort wise, but the one by the door would be colder
- When you look at the yacht camera, we can see that the person who was there first poured out the drink on the synthesizer and that they’re the man with the memory problems. Them being there first implies that it’s their party and boat, so why would they destroy their own, expensive synthesizer?
- If someone’s a thorn in your side, you’d want them either dead or under control. What choice was made to deal with Elijah?
- We have only seen consensual or unintentional memory transfers so far. What would a hostile mental transfer look like?
- The photo board specifies that the homeless test subjects must consent. Are they expected to continue to work with Hunter after the transfer
Dwellings, Timeline, Residents, Game:
