In this guide, you’ll find all the hints and solutions for the Chapter 5: The Pinnacle in The Rise of the Golden Idol.
The Rise of the Golden Idol: Chapter 5 The Pinnacle Walkthrough
Hints and solutions for all cases in Chapter 5: The Pinnacle.
Beach Trip – A Seaside Photo Shoot Goes Horribly Wrong
Scene 1, Beach
- Parasol woman: Westlake
- Sunhat Woman: Darius
- Eugene: Sandra, Genius, Jack
- White Dome: I.D.O.L
- Front buttons on machine: Give, Take, Heat, Memories
- Marie Westlake, note in inventory: O-Range, Commercial, Lab Staff, King, Nowak, I.D.O.L
- Photographer: Marmot, Added
- Photographer note: O-Tange, Marie, Westlake
- Green Bag Note: Adrian, Models
Scene 2, Ambulance
- Yellow doctor on left: Destroyed, Dead
- Model: Memories
- Red Circle doctor: Harper
- Blue Hair Woman, Eugene’s note in her inventory: Provided, Eugene, Marmot
- White note: Ridley, Cano, Ellis, Simpson, Medics
- Circle bag, medical book: Overdose, Poisoning, Allergy
- X Medical Bag, Newspaper: Sunnies, Euphoria, Crystal, Portal, Energetic, Happy, Numb, Trippy
- The runes read Take Matter Memory and the lens is set to one minute
- A photo sheet is a way to create a scene for a specific photo. If they’re bringing the I.D.O.L along, then they’re trying to create a specific memory to take
- All of the models are wearing colored lipstick with a matching manicure
- By the look of it, the woman in the ambulance struggles from low BPM. She likely had an allergic response to amphetamine
- One of the bottles on the table is dark orange and its cap is bent, like it’s been tampered with
- The drug guide is interesting. Each drug has a distinctive way that it makes people act and feel
- The photo from the front and the photo from the back have the models in different order.
- It’s a little odd that the models outside are so happy when their friend is having a medical emergency
- Its easy to match two of the bags, as few people wear green and blue lipstick, but two bags have red lipstick and we have two characters wearing that. What could prove that is or isn’t one of their bags?
- The luxe model catalog gives us head shots in profile. This, in of itself, is enough to identify all three models based off face shape alone. If you’re struggling, cross reference with the list of model heights and whether or not they smoke
- Blue lipstick has earrings, long hair, a blue flower tattoo on the inside of her arm, amber tilted eyes, an angular jaw, no beauty mark, and an upturned nose
- Green lipstick has bracelets, long hair, blue eyes, a round nose, is the tallest of the bunch, and no beauty mark
- Red lipstick has short hair, level amber eyes, and a beauty mark
- Green lipstick is Jennifer Gibson, which aligns with her being the tallest of the bunch and a smoker
- Blue lipstick is Eve Robertson
- Red Lipstick is Amy Wood
- A disaccharide is just sugar. The joke is that Eugene is to too dumb to pick up on the fact that he’s being given a sugar placebo and that Genius is worthless
- If someone has an allergic response to a drug, they would typically avoid it and not deliberately take it. If that’s the case, then how did the model ingest Amphetamine?
- There’s two bags with red lipstick in it. Amy in the ambulance doesn’t smoke, so the one without the cigarettes is hers
- If the bag without the cigarette is Amy’s, then the one with is the casting director’s. Why does she walk around with amphetamine in her bag?
Photos, Names, Bags Scroll:

Events Scroll:

Boardroom Brawl – A Fight Breaks Out at OPIG HQ
Scene 1, Boardroom
- Nathan Hoyle: Deduced
- Television: Live, Broadcast
- Speaker: Mounted, Speaker
- Phone: Phone, Speaker
- Red glasses, meeting minutes: Board, Headquarters, Nathan, Hoyle, Jasmine, Patel, Annette, Spender, Jeremy, Drake
Scene 2, Lab
- I.D.O.L.: I.D.O.L., Take, From, Give, To
- Phone: Phone, Speaker, Overheard
- Jack: Nowak, Eugene
- Demo Prep on Jack: Eugene, Tesa, 1 Minute, 1 Day, Received, Spender, Marie
- Tesa: Nevari, Phone, Jack, Board
- Eugene’s paper: Predicted
- Eugene: Marmot, Tim
- Spender: Memory
- Envelope on Spender: Sealed, Drawning, Premonition
- Love Motel Coupon: Love, Motel
- Spender’s day planner: Bag, Haven, New, Wells, Demonstration, Laboratory, Headquarters, Annette
- Marie Westlake: Westlake, Spender
- Note on Marie: Tristan, Dreyfuss, OPIG
- Camera intern: Gossip
- In parapsychology circles, there’s a test called the Ganzfeld experiment. Basically, a psychic attempts to send information, such as an image, to a person in a sensory deprivation booth. Mind you, the I.D.O.L can directly and literally share images from one person to another, so it’s not pseudoscience
- According to the meeting minutes, the current day is 4/26/76
- Spender had to drive in for the demonstration, so the lab and headquarters are not in the same place.
- A love motel is a no-tell motel where people go to have sex. If someone tells you that they spent the night at a love hotel, they didn’t exactly get a full night’s sleep
- The lab phone is broken. I wouldn’t be surprised if any other parts of the audio-visual setup are busted.
- The way boardroom members are arguing makes it sounds like whatever gossip reached their ears is news to them
- Eugene, the cameraman, and the board are all reeling from some gossip, while the other members of the lab are chill and unbothered. How did this information only selectively reach people?
- The cameraman notes that he’s been affected even though he’s outside the range of influence. How did that happen?
- The boardroom speaker is unplugged, the broadcast is on mute, and the camera’s audio cord is unplugged. No sound is getting to the boardroom
- Part of the job of a camera person is to closely watch the broadcast to make sure it’s working as expected. He’d be seeing the same images as the board
- According to Jack Nowak, Eugene changed the demonstration at the last minute, swapping the minute lens for the day lens. If that’s the case, then more memories than expected were transmitted
- If you go back to Blockbuster, that drive-in was famously immersive due to its unique crystal. They used it to project images onto a screen. A film is just a series of photos projected by lights and a lens onto a subject. Are memories that same?

Ancient Artifacts – A Violent Fiasco at the Museum of Lemurian History
- Green Console: Work
- Robot face: Memories
- Lens Briefcase: 1 Minute, 1 Day, 3 Days, 1 Month
- I.D.O.L: I.D.O.L, Lenses
- Jack Nowak
- Calculator: Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide
- Notebook: Disk, Echo, Secunda
- Tape Recorder A: I.D.O.L, Memories, Take, From, Give, To
- Tape Recorder B; Memories, More, I.D.O.L
- Injured Guard: Rowan, Doyle
- Click on him for Spear, Threw
- Taser
- Newspaper: Aurelia, Winston
- Aircraft: More, All, Together
- Seal: Disc
- Aurelia Winston: Jack, Fled
- Letter: Aurelia, Jack, Work, Oriel, Toussiant
- Tape Recorder A: Work, Secunda, Memories, Nowak
- Tape Recorder B: Echo, Secunda, Petrified, Nowak
- Statue: Dhustan, Lok
- Red Tank: Failed
- Broken Glass: Grabbed
- Note in glass, product design: Sirenry, Alerted, Harmonite, Placated, Veilforge, Concealed, Vaporon, Vaporized
- Jack’s notebook says that it’s 6/4/1977
- This is the first time we’ve seen someone used multiple lenses in the I.D.O.L. By the sound of it, this is the first time it’s been tried
- The tape recorder shows one memory transfer, a request for more memories, and then a second transfer. The first one would have only used one lens, while the second used all four.
- Similar to the debacle we had with Tesa in Chapter 3, how it’s believed the lenses works and how they actually work are not identical
- The console says that all Lemurian technology at the museum is nonfunctional. That’s likely for the best; many of them look dangerous
- The four gadgets in the broken case are not clearly labeled and can only be distinguished by the fact that are from distinct eras with distinctive visual styles
- The drawing on the back wall showcases a Goofus and Gallant style fable of the dangers of memory transferring. It shows a person being rendered blank by a transfer and a second person becoming the first through a transfer.
- Remember from chapter 4 that Eugene wanted Jack to simplify the time rune minute values to nice whole numbers? When you’re doing scientific math, you do need to use the exact full number
- Jack’s B recording says that he could try something to get another 4.01 days of memories, or 5,774.4 minutes (4.01 * 24 * 60)
- Which is a little beneath the sum of the three lenses that aren’t one month: 1.22+ 1,503.49 + 4,297.63 = 5802.34, which comes out to 4.03 days.
- The only way to get a number as big on the one on Jack’s calculator is to multiply.
- 1.22 * 1,503.59 * 4,297.63 * 43,313.58 = 341,461,986,807.8053, but they only use two decimals, so 341,461,986,807.81
- The Progress era is red tubes, Restraint is blue-gray with segmented olive tubes, Turmoil is teal bodies with bright yellow/pink/green accents, and Golden is gold bodies with jewels.
- Is that statue supposed to be holding something?
- It should be noted that 1977 is the same year of the prologue scenario Constriction, where Oriel Toussiant killed Morg Brakka while speaking Lemurian.
- Well, at the time we thought it was Oriel Toussiant. That’s the body’s name.
Events 1 and Drawing:

Events 2:

Steelside Warehouse – Dark Experiments at the Docks
Scene 1, outside
- Brown Container: Brown, Container
- Cardboard box summary of 1976, Scrawny, Marvin, Hunter, Wolf, Dirty, William, Memories
- Red Container:
- Left box diary: Harry, William, Like, Hunter, Wolf, Phil
- Right box, name list: Harry, Luke, Hunter, Orion, Elijah, Funny, Phil
- Ship: Wrecked, Ship
Scene 2, Warehouse
- Left Shutter, ES journal in drawer: Euphoria, Sunnies, Cutter, Steelside, Warehouse, Elijah, Sinclair, Body, Wolf
- Right shutter:
- Photo Board: Scrawny, Marvin, Luke, Brown, Harry, Stone, Dirty, William, Orion, Sky, Funny, Phil, Elijah, Trouble
- I.D.O.L Range Commands: I.D.O.L., Take, Give, Some, All
- Brown notebook: Trouble, Lake, Assistant, Experimented
Scene 3, Yacht
- Name, Sea Breeze
- Cabin on side, letter on orange cap: Avoid, Trouble, Live, Broadcast
Scene 4, Top deck
- Cocktail on instrument: Caused, Sabotaged, Synthesizer
- Hat: Cordelia
- Man on left: Brock, check card for Hatz
- Women with glasses: Tucker, poster for Fairchild
- Pink shirt: Cordelia, Olivia, Sterling
- Strapless white dress: Musical, Skills, Gabriel.
- Letter on white dress: Prescott, Gabriel, Olivia, Girard
- Woman on right: Arabella
- According to the yacht invitation, it’s 9/17
- When you see the people in the yacht talk, you might think they’re describing themselves, but they’re actually describing a second person, with the exception of the forgetful one.
- The yacht camera shows a timeline of people there. One man and one woman started out, the man who was initially there grabbed a cocktail and went to the Synthizer, and then everyone got into their current placements
- Almost everyone on the boat carries something with their name on it and a hint corresponding to another’s impression of them.
- The blue cap photo on the board is Luke Brown, the dead man in Under Construction
- One of the homeless men calls another Luke, which is odd, as Luke’s body was found in that sewer pipe back in July.
- The Possum 13 case file in Newsflash says that a dead body in the container was found in the steelside docks. The deceased was Dirty William… but the case file was opened on 12/1/1977, so he must be alive today
- Of the four men at the fire, 2 of them are extremely loyal to Hunter and 2 are skeptical. What could make a person trust Hunter so much?
- The E.S. Journal has a sudden about-face between pages. What could have so suddenly and thoroughly changed his mind?
- The dwelling guide says that, when choosing a dwelling, warmth > security > space > privacy. That is, a spacious but cold dwelling is worse than a warm cramped dwelling
- The summary of 1976, the journal in the bed with the buttons, and the notebook in the third shutter assign a time frame to when people arrive
- The 1976 summary mentions a person who died a year back, so one name is not present
- If someone wrote a list of observations on other people, they would not include themselves. Therefore, the missing name is the writer.
- The newest person is in the worst dwelling, oldest in the best.
- The hands down worst dwelling would have to be the boat. No door, open windows
- The two beds in the same dwelling are nearly the same comfort wise, but the one by the door would be colder
- When you look at the yacht camera, we can see that the person who was there first poured out the drink on the synthesizer and that they’re the man with the memory problems. Them being there first implies that it’s their party and boat, so why would they destroy their own, expensive synthesizer?
- If someone’s a thorn in your side, you’d want them either dead or under control. What choice was made to deal with Elijah?
- We have only seen consensual or unintentional memory transfers so far. What would a hostile mental transfer look like?
- The photo board specifies that the homeless test subjects must consent. Are they expected to continue to work with Hunter after the transfer
Dwellings, Timeline, Residents, Game:


Chapter Scroll
First, let’s recap:
- Scenario 1: Unclear date, but after 2 and before 3. The scientist team heads to a beach to take the memories of models drugged with Euphoria as they drink O-range. One model has a nonfatal allergic reaction
- Scenario 2: 4/26/76 (meeting minutes). The lab stages a live broadcast demonstration for the OPIG board to show how the I.D.O.L work. Memories of Tim Spender cheating on his wife are transmitted through the camera to the board, proving an unknown attribute of the device. Board president Nathan Hoyle is most impressed with the way that this can send a message to every home in the country
- Scenario 3: 6/4/77 (Nowak’s notes). Oriel and Jack head to the Lemurian museum to see what memories are on that seal purchased by curator Aureila back in the auction. A first transfer gives Oriel some memories, but he wants more. Jack misunderstands how the lenses affect one another and transfers all of the discs memories into Oriel, wiping out his personality and replacing it with Lemurian sentinel Echo Secunda, who escapes.
- Scenario 4: 11/17 (yacht party invitation). Hunter Wolf has established a group of loyal homeless people in the Steelside warehouse, where he uses the I.D.O.L to move their memories into new bodies. By exploiting the live broadcast transfers, he has been replacing the conciseness of wealthy people with his loyal cronies, with the hopes of rearranging society. When all of a person’s memories are taken out, they die with red eyes, starting the rumor of the Red Eye Curse seen in Chapter 1
New Evidence:
- Marie messaging her coworker about how annoyed she is over a confusing poster Eugene made. Everything is right, just worded strangely
- Hoyle asked the team for suggestions as for how to use the new function of the I.D.O.L. One is hippy, one is corporatist, and one is educational. He denies all of them
- A tale of how a beaver defeated a hunter wolf. The story is a little morbid: it’s about a wolf who matter of factly explains to his prey animals that he will get them if they gorge, which the prey animals blame on him and not themselves. The wolf is run out and the animals continue to eat endlessly
- A homeless game show created by Gabriel Girardi has a death. Textile ceo Darren Dixon suddenly voted against himself. A red note points to two of the homeless people from the last chapter and complains that they failed
- A note from Marie to Jack. She’s worried that this technology is abusable, that she doesn’t trust higher ups, and that an empty Lemurian disc has gone missing.
- Our goal today is to simply explain how the I.D.O.L. works. We know most of this already
- In Beach Trip, the crystal is red. In Boardroom Brawl, it’s Blue. What were they doing before that?
- The colored brains simply represent different minds and memories.
- You might notice that you get five red/blue crystal lights but only 4 I.D.O.L.’s to place them on. One of them has to go to a person.
- Let’s reword Eugene’s poster: If it’s blue, it’s empty. If it’s red, it’s full. If it’s full, it can only affect conscious people or empty discs. The matter button must be engaged to affect a subject.
- How would you symbolize the Red Eyes Curse?