In this guide, you’ll find all the hints and solutions for the Beach Trip in The Rise of the Golden Idol.
The Rise of the Golden Idol: Beach Trip Walkthrough
Chapter 5 – The Pinnacle: Scenario 1
Beach Trip: A Seaside Photo Shoot Goes Horribly Wrong
Scene 1, Beach
- Parasol woman: Westlake
- Sunhat Woman: Darius
- Eugene: Sandra, Genius, Jack
- White Dome: I.D.O.L
- Front buttons on machine: Give, Take, Heat, Memories
- Marie Westlake, note in inventory: O-Range, Commercial, Lab Staff, King, Nowak, I.D.O.L
- Photographer: Marmot, Added
- Photographer note: O-Tange, Marie, Westlake
- Green Bag Note: Adrian, Models
Scene 2, Ambulance
- Yellow doctor on left: Destroyed, Dead
- Model: Memories
- Red Circle doctor: Harper
- Blue Hair Woman, Eugene’s note in her inventory: Provided, Eugene, Marmot
- White note: Ridley, Cano, Ellis, Simpson, Medics
- Circle bag, medical book: Overdose, Poisoning, Allergy
- X Medical Bag, Newspaper: Sunnies, Euphoria, Crystal, Portal, Energetic, Happy, Numb, Trippy
- The runes read Take Matter Memory and the lens is set to one minute
- A photo sheet is a way to create a scene for a specific photo. If they’re bringing the I.D.O.L along, then they’re trying to create a specific memory to take
- All of the models are wearing colored lipstick with a matching manicure
- By the look of it, the woman in the ambulance struggles from low BPM. She likely had an allergic response to amphetamine
- One of the bottles on the table is dark orange and its cap is bent, like it’s been tampered with
- The drug guide is interesting. Each drug has a distinctive way that it makes people act and feel
- The photo from the front and the photo from the back have the models in different order.
- It’s a little odd that the models outside are so happy when their friend is having a medical emergency
- Its easy to match two of the bags, as few people wear green and blue lipstick, but two bags have red lipstick and we have two characters wearing that. What could prove that is or isn’t one of their bags?
- The luxe model catalog gives us head shots in profile. This, in of itself, is enough to identify all three models based off face shape alone. If you’re struggling, cross reference with the list of model heights and whether or not they smoke
- Blue lipstick has earrings, long hair, a blue flower tattoo on the inside of her arm, amber tilted eyes, an angular jaw, no beauty mark, and an upturned nose
- Green lipstick has bracelets, long hair, blue eyes, a round nose, is the tallest of the bunch, and no beauty mark
- Red lipstick has short hair, level amber eyes, and a beauty mark
- Green lipstick is Jennifer Gibson, which aligns with her being the tallest of the bunch and a smoker
- Blue lipstick is Eve Robertson
- Red Lipstick is Amy Wood
- A disaccharide is just sugar. The joke is that Eugene is to too dumb to pick up on the fact that he’s being given a sugar placebo and that Genius is worthless
- If someone has an allergic response to a drug, they would typically avoid it and not deliberately take it. If that’s the case, then how did the model ingest Amphetamine?
- There’s two bags with red lipstick in it. Amy in the ambulance doesn’t smoke, so the one without the cigarettes is hers
- If the bag without the cigarette is Amy’s, then the one with is the casting director’s. Why does she walk around with amphetamine in her bag?
Photos, Names, Bags Scroll:

Events Scroll: