In this guide, you’ll find all the hints and solutions for the Backstage Drama in The Rise of the Golden Idol.
The Rise of the Golden Idol: Backstage Drama Walkthrough
Chapter 4 – The Trials: Scenario 2
Backstage Drama: Pandemonium at The Stardust Variety Hour
- Final Placement Board: Mr Vlad, Lily, Belle
- Blue Dress: Rigged, Show, Attacked
- White Suit: Vilmar, Soda
- Attacked Man: Athrarb, The Producer, Mitchell
- Contestant Order List: Cameron, Flake, Nola, Rockow, Jamey, Albright, Regina, Littlemore, Vilmar, Prado, Atharv, Reddy
- Cage: Cage
- Balls: Balls, The Juggler
- Trumpet: Trumpet, The Musician
Yayoi Kusama lookalike with puppet: The Burpist - Record: Scratched, Scratching
- Notice on winner board: Poured, Sabotage, Sabotaged, Released, The Host, Dante, Longo
- Camera: Burgin
- Camera Man: Jamey, Stole, Stolen, Stealing, Knives
- Note on camera man: The Ventriloquist, The Magician, Lily, The Juggler, Record, The Ballerina
- We have a list of contestant order with full first and last names. Any names not on the list must be staff or unrelated.
- Additionally, we have a list of placements for every act, connecting placement to talent
- It should be noted that there’s a ventriloquist and a magician’s rabbit here, so we have some names floating around that don’t refer to humans.
- The winning name on the board looks like it was hastily put over an existing act. Did someone change acts?
- The ballerina alleges that the show was rigged against her, and she is the most obviously screwed over of the bunch, but was she the only person who had their act go off the rails?
- The studio has no weapons policy, so the producer notes that someone had to use something else instead of knves. What skill could possibly involve that?
- The Winners of Yesteryear board has several faces that look a little similar to contestants, but only one exact match
- This studio has a no weapon policy. Despite this, someone put two deep, parallel
scratches into that record. What did they use? - The wolf tattoo looks like it was put over an existing tattoo. What letters would that W and F cover up?
- Why is that trumpet covered in orange muck? Is that one the blooper note meant by sticky valves?
- That cage looks sturdy. How could a rabbit get out by accident?
- Always be careful when handling animals. You’d hate to get your hand bitten.
- The producer note says that Lily ran on stage driving the jugglers act and the magician complained that her rabbit came one act late. The juggler is one act after the magician.