In this guide, you’ll discover where to find extra storages in SULFUR.
SULFUR: Extra Storage Locations
This guide covers where to find, use, and purchase additional storage in SULFUR.
Where to find: You have it from the start.
1. At the caves entrance:

2. Right inside the church:

3. At the town entrance:

4. At the sewer entrance:

Amount of Storage
- The trunk offers you 12 x 14 squares of storage space
- A sample of the storage space offered by the trunk

The suitcase is the first unlockable piece of extra storage in Sulfur you can find.
Where to find: Finish the fight in the last part the caves. The suitcase drops as an item. To receive the suitcase as usable storage in the church, you have to pick up the dropped suitcase in your inventory, and extract from the caves, either by:
- Using your amulet by pressing T (tip: don’t, the exit is right there)
- Using the conveniently placed exit elevator that appears to you around the time you receive the suitcase as a drop
1. Right inside the church, just under the trunk:

2. Deeper in the church on a bed next to the trunk:

Amount of Storage
- The suitcase offers you 10 x 6 squares of storage space
- A sample of the storage space offered by the suitcase

The safe is the second unlockable piece of extra storage in Sulfur you can find.
Where to find: You can buy the safe from your friendly neighbourhood one-armed bandit, pictured here in the church:

Cost: The one-armed bandit sells the safe for a hefty 32,000 coins.
Tip: Given the high cost and the risks of carrying 32,000 coins into dungeons, it’s safer to buy the safe directly from the merchant in the church. When purchased in the church, the storage is added instantly. If you buy it while in a dungeon, you’ll need to extract from the dungeon with the safe in your inventory before the storage becomes accessible.
1. Location in the Church: Just inside the church, beneath the trunk and beside the suitcase.

2. Deeper in the Church: Next to the suitcase, further inside the church.

Amount of Storage
- The safe offers you 10×10 squares of storage space
- A sample of the storage space offered by the safe

The refrigerator is the third piece of extra storage you can find in Sulfur.
Where to find it: Added when I find it in the game.
1. Between the entrance to the Caves and your grave:

Amount of Storage
- The refrigerator offers you 8 x 14 squares of storage space
- A sample of the storage space offered by the refrigerator