Master movement, inventory management, and weapon efficiency with these essential tips for SULFUR. Learn when to dodge, strike, and sell to stay ahead in every encounter.
SULFUR: Beginner Tips
Credit: @Bubble
Strafe to dodge attacks, keep your sword ready for faster movement, and sell unnecessary items to maximize profits mid-run.
Essential Tips and Tricks
“On” the Run
The game lets you sprint in all directions with equal speed. You might consider taping down the ‘Shift’ key for convenience!
Hold the Breath
Standard FPS rules apply: Don’t shoot while moving. Stop for half a second, scope, shoot, and immediately strafe or run. With good damage output, you can quickly mow down enemies without wasting a single bullet or losing HP.
It’s Like a Christmas Tree!
You don’t need every scope and laser on your gun. Each attachment increases repair costs, and enchantments accelerate durability loss by one per shot. Only install mods you truly need, or you might find yourself with a broken weapon mid-run or unable to afford repairs. I usually stick to damage and triple oils—nothing more.
My Treasure!
Beyond attachments and enchantments, the game offers a “chiseling” mechanic that changes a weapon’s ammo type. This can turn a basic gun into a powerful BFG9k, though it may cost a fortune to fire. Alternatively, you can create a balanced, all-purpose weapon.
Experiment with weapon builds, identify their pros and cons, and craft your own “Magnum .50 Opus.” But remember, the fun only lasts as long as you can fund it!
Under the Sea
Sometimes you’ll find chests hidden underwater. The chest locations are fixed, so learning their positions will save time. However, swimming is slow, and most of the time, it’s not worth the effort.
Advanced Tips and Tricks
On Your Left
Most enemy attacks come in a straight line after the “windup,” and you can avoid them by simply moving sideways. Remember to hold ‘Shift’—this also readies your sword for even faster strafes.
Embrace the Iaido
Your wakizashi is your best friend and an ultimate weapon, not just a counter to barrels. Learn to use it between enemy attacks, and you’ll discover that guns are merely an addon to this hack-and-slash roguelike. Seriously, you can kill anything with a sword and some good strafing (though Mages are tricky).
If your gun is heavy and slows you down, try holding a melee attack while running instead of shooting. This transforms you into a samurai! (Melee is also bound to side mouse buttons.) Be cautious of the unholster delay, though.
Catching a Golden Wind
At some point, you’ll realize that stuffing your inventory with common equipment and guns is far less valuable than bringing along items like a bag of brains.
Pay attention to the “cost per grid” of each item, and sell everything you don’t need (which is about 90% of items) when shops appear mid-run. On average, you can bring in 4-5k per run (my best was ~14k, but 18k felt like cheating since I got 12Ga AND 5.56mm chisels early, scoring 8600 from that).
Pro Tip: Crafting dynamite and mushroom skewers mid-run is an easy way to make extra money, though it can get a bit grindy.
I Need More Power, Your Bowel!
Shake every coin from those pesky goblin babies by generously giving them a shiny present at 850 mph after they fall asleep from your previous gift.
In practical terms: Shooting sleeping enemies on the ground can grant additional body parts for crafting or selling. Just monitor your ammo and weapon durability—this strategy can become costly fast.
That’s Mud, Right? Right!?
You can shoot or slash (if you’re feeling like a ninja) the mud piles that the goblin boss throws at you for ammo and food drops. This is basically an infinite ammo farm.
Best Way to Get Ammo
Don’t buy ammo! Shoot the poop!
If you shoot the mud thrown by the cave boss with a gun or cut it with a wakizashi, various bullets, porridge, broth, and pölsa will drop randomly.
The safest place to defeat the enemies that appear along the way is to the right of the space where the elevator comes down (as seen from the boss’s side), so it’s best to crouch there and defeat them.

How to Run Faster
It took me fifteen hours of gameplay to discover this, but you can press and hold “F” (or your melee key) to draw your knife. While holding it, you’ll run faster and negate any speed penalties from your current weapon. Just remember to melee and release the key before switching weapons. I find this technique useful for moving quickly between rooms.

How to Keep Your Weapons & Money if You Die
I want to start by saying that some might view this method as “cheating” or unfair, but since this is a single-player game, you should feel free to play however you like without impacting others. Personally, I don’t use this method, but I’m sharing it for those who want to enjoy the game without grinding.
If you die, immediately press Alt + F4 to close the game. This action prevents the Steam cloud save from recording your death, allowing you to revert to the state before you reached the current floor. While you will lose everything on that floor, you will retain your weapons, money, and inventory.
How to Farm Dog Eyes Quickly and Easily
I’ve seen many players struggle with farming dog eyes, and I experienced the same issue at first. However, I discovered a couple of key things. First, when you shoot bodies on the ground, they will produce organs based on where they were shot. The most I’ve had to shoot one mob was thirteen times to obtain a single dog eye. Note that if you knife the corpse, it will destroy the organ, so avoid that.
This game features excellent bullet hit detection, so aim for the dog’s eye, unload your bullets into the body, and hope for the best.
The easiest method I’ve found is to use a shotgun with maximum multishot capability, which becomes even more effective when combined with explosions. I went from acquiring one dog eye every 45 minutes to collecting eight dog eyes in just one clear of the town.
Hedge Maze Is “Insta Lose” How Do I Pass It?
The hedge maze is essentially a Aim check or speed check. it will spawn three black blobs that will chase you and continue to regenerate as you kill them. if you are quick and smart about what you are doing, you will not have issues. however it may catch you off guard the first time you do this.
You can either:
1. Have enough damage/aim to outright kill them, they have multiple eyes on their body that you need to shoot out to kill. meaning if you have all three chasing you, you may have trouble killing them all.
2. Hold “F” with your knife out and speed-run the maze. this is made much easier especially early game if you use consumables that increase your speed. some examples would be:
- Lemonade
- Power Bar
- Coffee
Then you would just run through quickly and continue on to the next area (Dungeon). This may be a good idea for beginners who stumble across these consumables as this next area has way more high tier loot and will let you scale up quickly.