This guide will demonstrate what the rational scale looks like in the endgame – and it’s absolutely mind-blowing!
Epic Auto Towers: Slime, Insolent, and Bear Guide
First Boss Strategy
Start with Chest + Thief for economy and Milk + Cat to begin scaling. I also used Egg Tower for the milk tokens as a good starting bonus.
For the first boss, focus on attack power. Berserk + Milk Tower complements the Cat, as Milk increases your tower HP and Berserk converts that HP into attacks. This will help boost your damage output significantly.

Second Boss Strategy
Start by looking for a bear. Having Iron Tower at level 3 (+75 HP bonus) is great for feeding the Berserk. You can remove it when the timing is right. With the Bear happy, you’re set.
With Malicious Tower (Berserk) on the board, it’s safe to deploy the Jester since it won’t consume any crowns.
Reroll and aim for a Debt Tower. While risky, if you have enough power, it’s worth investing in as it will pay off significantly later (I saw +125 gold at Round 116).
With enough Milk Towers feeding the cat each turn and the Iron + Bear combo, you’ll breeze through monster fights. The second boss should also be easy with this build.

Third Boss Strategy
For the third boss, it’s crucial to avoid having any level 1 towers on the board, as they’ll just get destroyed. At this point, your Debt Tower starts paying off well, and you can begin removing your Chest and Thief towers, as they’ve done their job for early economy.
After defeating the second boss, you’ll get 3 empty spaces. Use one of them for Insolent Tower, but ensure there’s at least one free space around it. Later, you’ll deploy the Slime Tower to start consuming the Insolence.
At this stage, money shouldn’t be an issue anymore, so use the Divine Tower to your advantage.
Before activating the Insolent action, focus on improving the stats of your Bear(s). The strategy here is to enhance your Milk Towers (the Unifying Tower is excellent for this). Once that’s done, deploy cows, feed them, and then eat or remove them.
Bears will be even happier now, unlike the boss!

Final Boss Strategy
Upgrade your downgraded towers and keep eating cows to stay strong. With this approach, you’ll be well-prepared for the final boss.

[Bonus] The Endless Mode
Level up Insolent, Slime, and Bears, and keep eating the Insolent. The rest is easy from there.