Take your game to extreme heights with Flower Power, using flowers, honey, and the obsidian tower!
Epic Auto Towers: Flower Power Build
- This build takes advantage of turning temporary buffs into permanent ones, and using order of operations to our advantage.
- The obsidian tower is ubiquitous in most builds, as any temporary buffs cast on the tower are always permanent, and as you level it, the buffs themselves are buffed EVEN MORE by percentage.
- The flower tower buffs the obsidian tower, but without a consistent way to grow this exponentially, it falls off late game.
- This is where the honey comes in… by placing honey to the right of the flower tower, the flower can buff the honey by 20% of the flower tower’s attack and hp, and it does this BEFORE it “absorbs” the honey and takes it’s attack and hp for it’s own…
- What does this mean? The flower buffs itself permanently…. BY 20% EVERY ROUND… and in turn, it shares that 20% buff with the obsidian tower on the start of the next round.
- Extend the growth by forging your honey, secure the early game with guardian towers, and invest in some insurance into the late game with bears, and you got yourself an endgame build that’s simple, consistent, and oh so satisfying.
First Turns

In the first few turns, the enemies are not too difficult. If you place down some towers, you will likely win. So focus on gold generation (“econ”) with chest and thief towers. If you roll any of the other uncommon towers in this build, go for it. You can’t go wrong in the first 2-3 turns as long as you’re placing new towers.
Most importantly, we’re looking for the bee tower, which will allow us to level the tower quicker, and provide us access to honey and better odds of finding the flower tower. Pick this up as soon as you see it, and get it to level 2 or 3.
Two guardian towers in the rightmost slots will allow us to survive the first world and get to the first boss with some decent tankiness. Pick these up as well, as soon as you roll them.

Left to Right:
Royal Tower – Chest – Thief – Obsidian – Flower – Empty (for honey) – Forge – Bee – Guardian – Guardian
This game is all about planning where your towers will go, and how they will synergize. Luckily, this build is so straightforward with no waiting on rare items, that you can plant your towers in their spots whenever you roll them, let it play out, and it will scale.
Follow the positioning of the towers in the image above, placing your honey to be buffed and absorbed by the flower in the center empty slot, forge the honey, then rinse and repeat.

Once you have established this arrangement of towers, the game becomes a simple matching game! Just upgrade your existing towers as they come. There is some small nuance though, so check out the upgrades section below for some tips.
As for spending your gold wisely, here’s a few basic rules to keep to:
- Honey is the backbone of the build, so always make sure to keep an eye on your gold and roll aggressively for it before sinking gold into tower levels. You should be able to get honey on every round with a sufficient bee tower level.
- You’ll want to forge the honey every round until your flower power has grown out of control. So be sure to keep 3 gold for the honey, and 1 gold for the forge. After that, your forging will become irrelevant, and the forge can be replaced.
- If you’re struggling to reroll for honey/towers, focus on your chest/thief for econ and upgrading your bee for better roll odds.
- If you’re struggling to outpace the enemies in the midgame, roll for obsidian and flower towers (just don’t forget to grab your honey!)
- Don’t focus too much on your guardian towers, they will quickly become irrelevant in the second world and will be replaced.
The reason this build is so consistent is because it uses only commons and uncommons. This means you are not waiting and praying for the one roll that will make your build pop. In fact, there are no rares that will really keep up with the growth of obisidian/flower/honey, so we don’t even make space for one on our board.
There are some rounds in which the game will give you only rares, even after rerolling. Don’t be tempted to take one; you would be removing it later on. Instead, roll for honey, save your money.
I haven’t put too much thought into this, but here’s some of the upgrades that I gravitate towards on my runs:
World Upgrades

These are the selection of tokens you get when you pass the final boss of a world, we’ll prioritize things like honey, champion tokens, nullifications, and a small amount of seller or removal tokens for doubling up on this build in the late game by removing the guardians, forge, and even the thief and chest. Again, use nullifications on anything outside of this build with an equal amount of commons and uncommons nullified. But feel free to experiment and take whatever your game needs in the moment.
Boss Upgrades

- 50% Bonus to all temporary buffs – Did I mention we turn temporary buffs into permanent with honey? Always take this.
- Stone of Simplicity – Great upgrade for maxing your towers, increasing your chances to roll flower/honey/etc.
- +25 attack +25 hp Can be decent early on if no other options available, but will be useless in the late game. Drop it on the flower.
Tower Upgrades

You’ll always have the choice between:
- Flat attack/hp on the tower
- Increased rarity of cards
- Increased gold per turn
- +1 to cards drawn
- Removal token with 3 removals
Flat 25 attack and hp will quickly become irrelevant, we don’t need rares, so only three options are viable for this build.
- Take gold generation if you’re struggling with econ.
- Take +1 towers in shop if you’re struggling with rerolls.
- Take removals if you are preparing to enter the late game.
Speaking of which…
End Game
In the third world, you get three more slots to build behind your royal tower and the crowns are moved back. The only real threat to our build at this point will be the boss that removes a level from every tower, deleting anything at level 1. Approaching this, we should stop leveling anything that is above level 3, and aggressively level anything below level 2.
The flower and obsidian tower should be massively scaled at this point, with no threats to our crown. The enemies can’t even make a dent in the flower tower, and our econ far surpasses our need to reroll for honey. After we beat the boss that removes a level from everything, we’ll keep rolling to max all of our towers while keeping our flower supplied with honey. We also have three new slots in the back. What combo is three towers? Obsidian – Flower – Honey.
We can build up a backup set of towers that will scale over time behind the Royal Tower, and we already have the honey generation to support it! I recommend keeping the forge up to this point to accelerate the exponential growth on this set of towers. You can remove it when it no longer does much.
The guardian towers and forge have long since fallen off, and need to be replaced with something that scales. Bears are quite insane here, as they permanently absorb the attack and hp of any tower that is removed. Both of the honeys that get buffed by their respective flowers will also buff all of the bears in the base and they don’t even need to be adjacent! This will passively grow and very quickly scale the bears to be an effective first line of defense.
If you still happen to have some removals left, and all towers are maxed, you could look at removing first the thief and then the chest, replacing them with more bears.
Total removals needed: 5