If dedicating 12 hours of your life to unlocking the Infinite Blaster doesn’t sound appealing, the Infinite Chainsaw could be your perfect alternative! Yes, it takes up 4 inventory slots, but it’s the only weapon you’ll need throughout the entire game. Honestly, can you think of a better way to use that space?
How to get the Endless Chainsaw!
To receive the Endless Chainsaw, you are required to do the following:
- Defeat Adam The Clown (Wonderland Plaza)
- Obtain the Book Criminal Biography (Wonderland Plaza, Sir Book-a-lot)
- Obtain the Book Entertainment (Paradise Plaza, Bachmans Bookporium)
- Obtain the Book Engineering (Paradise Plaza, Bachmans Bookporium)
When you have all four items, the Chainsaw will last for it seems, forever..
If you have 3 Small Chainsaws in your inventory, it should last the entire story mode.
Paradise Plaza (Bachman’s Bookporium)
- At the start of the game, once you are on your way to help Brad, head over to Bachman’s Bookporium in Paradise Plaza.
- First, Grab the Entertainment book:
- The Entertainment book increases the durability of entertainment themed items by another 300%.

After, grab the Engineering book:
Additionally, the Engineering book increases the durability of most weapons found in hardware stores by 300%, making them last three times as long as before.

After some time, head over to the Wonderland Plaza.
Wonderland Plaza (Sir Book-a-lot + Adam)
In Wonderland Plaza, Sir book-a-lot is on the second floor. It has the book Criminal Biography –
This book increases the durability of all bladed weapons, allowing them to last three times longer than usual.

Lastly, you must fight Adam the Clown to obtain the Small Chainsaw –
Adam the clown appears in front of the Space Ride Machine, during the scoop Out of Control.

If it is your first play through of the game, Adam can seem challenging. Thankfully, all you really need to defeat Adam in this version of the game is a Handgun..
Keep a distance from Adam during the fight… Monitor him from afar… Whenever he begins to blow a balloon.. Shoot him. He will take a surprising amount of damage. Rinse + Repeat the process until he is done!

Afterwards, you’ll have an endless supply of Small Chainsaws, which can last forever.
Once you have obtained all three books and the Small Chainsaw – combined – is the equivalent of Thanos with the infinite stones!