In this guide, we’ll explore the newly added books in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster that aren’t marked on the map. I’ll provide their locations and explain what each one does.

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster: All New Books Locations
List of all new books locations and what they do.
- Toy Modding – Wonderland Plaza, playground – this book increases damage and knockback of all the toys; they’re viable now.
- Pitcher’s Guide – Wonderland Plaza, Kokonutz Sports Town – increases the damage of thrown weapons; this works only with melee weapons.
- Martial Arts – Al Fresca Plaza, Flexin’ – gives you all the skill moves if you’re not at level 50. If you have reached level 50, then it will improve your unarmed damage.
- Fashion Magazine – Al Fresca Plaza, Weber’s Garments (place where Aaron and Burt where hiding) – gives you unique status “Toughness”, after changing your clothes.
- Hypnotism Tips – Food Court, near the bar with Wine and pans – it increases HP of survivors.
- Gunslingers Book – Food Court, walkway used by Carlito – increases damage of ALL firearm type weapons, even water guns.
- Photo Op Book – North Plaza, camera shop – slow downs time while using camera
- Fireworks Book – North Plaza, hallway to the gun shop, side route – thrown weapons (with ammo, such as cans, plates, sodas, etc.) deal explosive damage.
- Recycling Book – North Plaza, scaffolding in front of Seon’s Food Market – changes the loot pool of trash bins and boxes. It improves it by dropping better items after destroying trash bins and boxes.
- Blender Manual – Security Room – You need to survive 3 days. It allows you to combine items other than food to spawn better weapons.
- Infinite Durability – Security Room – Save 50 survivors in a single run and you will get a book that gives you unlimited durability and ammo to all your weapons.
Finding these new books can significantly enhance your Dead Rising experience, giving you the edge you need to thrive in the zombie apocalypse. Keep exploring and make sure to check out these locations to maximize your skills! Happy gaming!