Find out how to reach the ocean rock in WEBFISHING with this simple guide.
WEBFISHING: How to Reach the Ocean Rock
The goal is to reach the ocean rock, marked with a red flag.

Locate the Blue Mushroom
Look for the blue mushroom near the wooden ramp leading to the beach by the lighthouse.

Align the Mushroom
Position the mushroom so its top lines up with the tip of the rock. Aim to avoid the downward slope on the back-right side and hit the back slope directly.

The Challenging Step
Follow the path closely and jump just as you step off. Dive to land just before the mushroom. This technique will reduce your slide and help you stay on the rock when you land. It may take some practice, persistence, and a bit of trial and error to master.

Landing Area
This area consists of two triangles with slightly varying slopes. Our target is the triangle on the right, as the left one slopes downward away from the mushroom and is nearly impossible to land on. You can place a flag as a marker in this area.

Your friends don’t need to make the jump. After you plant a flag, they can simply press E repeatedly as they fly past the rock. When they exit the island, they’ll land on the rock with you!