All keypad codes (door codes), weakened walls (secret rooms), and all other secrets in The Killing Antidote.
Door Codes and Secret Rooms in The Killing Antidote
Credit: @Klare
Door Codes
A2 Locker storeroom
5678 – Code is written on a nearby wall.

A2 Shotgun room
Look through the window and swap shoulders to get a better aim at the door lock.

A2 Control Room
#520 – Code is written on a nearby control unit.

A2 Data Room
0000 – Password must be reset on the pc in the captain’s room.

A3 Heart Room
1314 – Code is given in an audio file found on floor A4 beside submachine gun room.

A1 Captain’s Room
6090 – Code is written on a wall nearby.

A3 Butterfly Poster Office
1180 – The code can be found within an email in the near by computer.

A3 Planning Department
0210 – Written on the back of a wedding photograph.

A3 area duty room
3964 – Code is hidden in a nearby poster.

A4 Submachine gun room
3758 – Code is hidden within a nearby poster showings gifts.

E2 Loading area office (stealth section)
9842 – There are four posters scattered throughout this area that contain the code.

B2 Body bag room
2940 – The code is written in two parts, one on a wall, the other on a door, both nearby.

A4 storeroom
9885 – A note nearby contains a codex for revealing the code.

A4 Office before white card room, after pressure puzzle
6083 – Written on the wall in the stair well. Line the code up correctly.

A4 Elevator control room
3974 – Code is hidden by two lockers in the room.

Secret Rooms (Weakened Walls)
A1 warehouse secret
Place a mine on cracked wall and climb up on the fishing container.

A1 storeroom secret
Use an explosive on the cracked wall visible in the area with railings and a steep drop . Jump on the aircon units from floor A3.

B2 Tunnels secret armory one
There will be an armory visible after crawling through a vent. Use an explosive to break the cracked wall, you will then need to work your way around to the back.

B2 Tunnels secret armory two
While searching the tunnels and looking for the wall you broke for the first tunnel secret you will come across another one. It will be near a shelf and a wire fence.

Stairwell Secret
In the stairwell you will come across a door that requires a red key card, to its right is a cracked wall, use an explosive on it to get inside.