Tales of Rein Ravine: Jumping Guide

This guide covers the essentials of jumping in Tales of Rein Ravine.

Tales of Rein Ravine: Jumping Guide

  • If you want to jump, rent a horse for the XC course in the stable.
  • To jump, press the space bar in front of the obstacle,
  • Exactly when the horseshoe indicator lights up green.
  • If a horse tries to avoid an obstacle, press both legs with the mouse buttons!
  • You can practice in slow motion mode by pressing the T key.
  • You can switch to first person view by pressing the C key.

How to Access the XC Jumping Course

To unlock the XC Jumping course, you first need to complete the tutorial. This includes three riding lessons, each available at different signs around the stables.

Once the lessons are done, head to the stables and borrow the horse assigned for XC use that day. Only this specific horse will grant access to the course.

Tales of Rein Ravine: Jumping Guide
Tales of Rein Ravine: Jumping Guide

Jumping Basics

Now that you have arrived on the XC course, you need to understand the basics of jumping.


You can set the difficulty of the jumping mode in the game options. It is recommended that you first try out easy or normal and later switch to realistic jumping for the challenge. The following basics are particularly important for the realistic jumping setting.

Distance and canter stride

A horse will jump over an obstacle if both the distance and the canter stride are correct. To increase or decrease the distance, you want to extend or collect your horse with your seat (W or S keys). For the perfect stride, you always want to jump when the hind legs are about to touch the ground.

See this screenshot from an earlier version of the game:

Tales of Rein Ravine: Jumping Guide

Jump Timing

The best time to jump is when you found the right distance and the horseshoe on the left side of the screen lights up green.

Press space to jump when the horsehoe is green:

Tales of Rein Ravine: Jumping Guide

Practice and Slow Motion

This may take some practice. Especially in the realistic jumping setting. It is therefore advisable to turn on slow motion with the T key for a few canter strides before the jump. It lasts for a few seconds and then deactivates by itself.

In slow motion mode you can practise jumping with the right distance and the right stride so that you can master it at a higher speed later.

First Person View

For even more fun, more challenge and a realistic riding experience, press the C key to switch to the first-person perspective.

Horse characteristics influence

Avoiding obstacles

Sometimes your horse is afraid of a particular jump. This happens especially with narrow jumps. It will pull its head up and try to run past it.

Tales of Rein Ravine: Jumping Guide

In this case, it is important to frame your horse with both legs and only allow the straight way forward. To do this, click and hold both the left and right mouse buttons to apply pressure with both legs.

Tales of Rein Ravine: Jumping Guide
Tales of Rein Ravine: Jumping Guide

Out of Scope

Your horse may not yet be trained enough for some jumps and therefore not be able to overcome them. The game will tell you when you have done everything else right for the jump. You should then avoid these jumps for the time being as we cannot train horses yet.

Tales of Rein Ravine: Jumping Guide

Lucky Jumps

Sometimes you try to jump with a bad stride but still manage the obstacle because your horse saves you. Be happy about your luck and thank your horse with some affection after the work.

Tales of Rein Ravine: Jumping Guide