Discover the best builds, skills, runes, weapons, and artifact powers for the Necromancer in Soulstone Survivors.
Soulstone Survivors: Necromancer Build & Guide
Welcome to one of the strongest builds we found.

The Necromancer is a lot like The Chaoswalker except this time we have summoned units to help! This build is going to focus on a multi casting skills and dealing massive physical damage through traits that weaken enemies. Start by taking Grimtalon’s Scourge as your weapon so you can get the “Murder of Crows” skill.
“Magic Missile” and “Arcane Beam” will apply the Fragility, Brittle, and Disarray while being cast multiple times and more often (thanks to Chaotic). This means we want to focus on taking physical damage passive skills for higher damage and better crit chance/damage. We are taking the “Extended Reach” rune to make these two attacks reach farther. We are also taking the “Overwhelming Chaos” and “Controlled Chaos” to get consistently higher damage rolls.
Something that needs to be explained about this build quick, the use of the Chaotic trait. Chaotic reads “Whenever this skill is used, you have a % chance of casting one of your other skills…” This means that whenever one of your Chaotic skills fires off, you have a chance of firing another skill. This is perfect because our goal will be to cast “Magic Missiles” and “Arcane Beam” as much as possible.
When taking passives be sure to get your Crit Chance % over 100% as well as getting Crit Damage and Physical Damage as high as possible as they will directly affect “Magic Missile” and “Arcane Beam”
We want to ban Poison, Bleed, Fire, and Doom passives as we are going for a physical damage based build.
- Murder of Crows
- Frenzied Bunnies
- Chaos Golem
- Arcane Beam
- Magic Missiles
- Skeletal Archers
- Harmony
- Overwhelming Chaos
- Controlled Chaos
- Extended Reach
Example of a Run:

Necromancer Weapons & Artifact Powers:
With the release of Artifact Powers, we decided it would be best to put a screenshot of them here for anyone who may not have them unlocked. This way you can have the knowledge of the power when formulating a build rather than spending the materials.
Image coming soon.