Songs of Silence Campaign 4 guide: Start Meron’s quest, find the bard, rescue all refugees.
Songs of Silence: Campaign 4 Refugee Roundup Guide
How to Save Lives in Songs of Silence
- Follow the ugly arrows.
- Be ready to save/reload a few times to avoid The Crusaders.
Tested on all difficulties. This guide covers rescuing the Refugees, starting Meron’s quest, and finding the bard (the glowing spot) for the level.

Extra Thoughts and Things to Note:
- Remember to remove the refugees from the refugee camp reserve and put it into your own army reserve.
- If you got this far into the game and don’t realize it yet, you can put a unit with “Healer” in your reserve, this lets you keep the benefit of the healing over end turns, without risking the unit in combat.
- Sneaking into a town/garrison will protect you from wandering neutrals, if you are in range of a safe camp, rush to it, don’t waste a turn sneaking through the forest, make sure to use scouting spell before you rush across open forest.
- Once you reach Meron’s base, he has two garrisoned foxes you can steal, these need to last till you reach the Koncordia base in the southwest.
- Leave the Triune in the city build a good garrison, sally out against attackers to keep putting more troops in, once its full the AI cannot stop you, aside from the scripted end times.
- Any wagons you acquire with Akard will be cashed in at the Koncordia base, so dont go back to the capital to hand them in.
- The hardest part of this is the last few turns, if you are slow, you might get caught by one of Reds lords, with your low army cap on this map, its unlikely you will survive and still have enough forces to push to the end.
- The two explores I recommend doing grant very potent units that if looked after, will team up nicely with your Koncordia troops. (The foxes from Meron are expendable)
- Triune will snowball defenses quickly, only capital matters, just hold the capital.
- Don’t be afraid to take an ambush if it the nearby enemy is weak, you will make a lot more progress that way.