Paper Perjury: Complete Walkthrough Guide

A walkthrough guide for the Investigations and Interrogations in Paper Perjury.

Paper Perjury: Complete Walkthrough Guide

For my Investigation instructions, I will leave out anything that doesn’t advance the section. You should investigate everything just because it’s fun, but I’ll be leaving out flavor text.

If you’ve played an Ace Attorney game, you know what’s up. If not, here’s some tips:

  • The game is split into Investigation and Interrogation sections. In an Investigation, your goal is to gather information/evidence by investigating scenes and talking to suspects. Once you have sufficient evidence, you can review and dispute statements. When concluded, you’ll be moved to the Interrogation section. In an Interrogation, your goal is to dispute statements and answer questions
  • Questioning during a statement will rarely open up a new opportunity to advance the case. It’s mainly for additional information or comedy. If you don’t see an obvious issue with a statement, try questioning to see if the information revealed in the question draws attention to issues with the statement.
  • Cycling through a statement during an Interrogation will give you dialogue where the Justina and the detective give you a hint as to what you have to look for
  • This game does not penalize you for incorrect answers. In fact, it will strike out bad guesses to help you keep track of what you tried
  • The Case File has a tab for leads, a checklist of things to do during the investigation. It also has the detective’s brief, a summary from the detective on case summarizing what they investigated, which is a good source for objective information. Additionally, a list of all statements, written line by line, is available

To do list:

  • Wrap up the final two cases and their three achievements
  • Go back and get screen shots of all disputed statements/question sections

Case 1: Investigation

New Evidence: Justina’s I.D.. You start with this
New Profile: Earnest Hunt

For the Safety First achievement, Brush Off when asked by Sue for ID
To continue, choose Present and Present Justina’s I.D.

New Profile: Sue P. Earl
New Evidence: Thief’s Path, Window, Safe. Case Summary now available

Chandra Lear’s Statement – The House Robbery
Dispute statement 4 (“he took some of the money and ran to the window”) with Thief’s Path (“the thief walked calmly towards and away from the safe”)

New Achievement: In Justina We Trust
New Profile: Chandra Lear
New Evidence: Statement
New Profile: Hana Ova Yor

Case 1: Interrogation

Hana Ova Hour’s Statement – A Theft I Am Proud Of
Dispute Statement 3 “I opened the window with my lock picks” with Window (“Unlocks from the inside”)

Hana Ova Hour’s Statement – A Theft I Am Proud Of Pt 2f
Dispute Statement 3 “I used my tools to open the safe” with Safe (“No signs of tampering”)

New Evidence: Safe Access.

Hana Ova Hour’s Statement – Tools for a Great Heist
Dispute Statement 3 “I put my lockpicks in my hair”” with Statement (“She claimed the thief was a tall man holding lockpicks”)

Question: What explains the oddities of Chandra’s behavior?
Answer: The two knew each other

Question: Why did they arrange the theft this way?
Answer: They wanted the police to know a thief stole the money

Case 2 – Investigation

Nothing important is outside, so travel to the Foyer.
New Profile: Ferris Eubank.
Ferris will begin her statement and give you Ferris’s Statement.
After speaking with Ferris about Eubank Investments, you’ll be able to head to the Kitchen and Crime Scene. Let’s head to the Kitchen first.

New Profile: Oliver Curry and Oliver’s Statement.
Ask Oliver about Chef’s Life for Sherry.
Ask him about Mr Eubank for the Office.
Investigate the Cabinet for Oliver’s Allergy.

Head to the Crime Scene.
New Profile: Sophie Swift.
Detective’s Brief is now available.
New Evidence: Medical Report.
Ask Swift about her Investigation Rights to gain the ability to head to the Bedroom.
Examine the Bedsheet for Bedsheet, the Cabinet for Trophy Room Cabinet and Trophy Room Telephone, and the Golf Clubs for Golf Club.

Head to the Bedroom.
Investigate the Dresser for Club Cleaner and Camera, the Window for Bedroom Window, and the Wardrobe to meet Fie and Toasty and get Fie’s Statement.
Examine Cat Fur for Cat Fur, the Wallpaper for Passport and Owen’s Fingerprints, the Bed for Bed, and the Phone for Chandra’s Telephone.
Ask Fie about Toasty for the Pet the Cat achievement.

We got the evidence we need to dispute Fie’s statement, so review it.
Dispute Statement 2, “Toasty and I […] hide in the kitchen,” with Oliver’s Allergy (“no cats are allowed inside the kitchen”).

What’s the evidence that Toasty wasn’t in the kitchen? The answer is Cat’s Fur (“leaves a prominent trail of shed fur wherever it goes”).
Where was Fie actually hiding? The answer is the Trophy Room Cabinet (“traces of orange cat fur”).

New Evidence: Fie’s Confession.

Head to the Office.
New Profile: Owen Eubank and Owen’s Statement.

Review Owen’s Statement.
Dispute Statement 3, “I went straight back to my office and remained for the rest of the morning,” with Owen’s Fingerprints.
Dispute Statement 1, “No one could have known she was in her room,” with Camera.

New Evidence: Owen’s Confession.

Head to the Kitchen and review Oliver’s statement.
Dispute Statement 3, “I stayed here in the kitchen cleaning until I heard she was attacked,” with Owen’s Confession (“he saw Oliver leave her room”).

End of investigation.

Case 2 – Interrogation

Oliver Curry’s Statement – 1st Course: Visiting Chandra
Dispute Statement 4 “She called the police in that room” with Trophy Room Telephone (“It’s been disconnected”)

Question: What did Chandra call the police with?
Answer: Chandra’s Telephone

Rebuttal – A Delightful Explanation
Dispute Statement 4 – “It is clear she never had a chance to do so” with Golf Club (“Partially cleaned”)

Question: Why couldn’t have Chandra cleaned the club in the trophy room?
Answer: Club Cleaner (“Found in Chandra’s chess of drawers”)

Rebuttal – A Tea Poorly Brewed
Dispute Statement 4 “nothing in her room would get her to call the police” with Camera (“Found in Chandra’s chest of drawers: traces of gold cleaner are on it”)

Question: How do we know that Chandra found the camera shortly before she was attacked?
Answer: The Camera had cleaner on it

Oliver Curry’s Statement – 2nd Course: An Impossible Escape
Dispute Statement 1 “the only exit to the room was the door” with Bedroom Window

Rebuttal – Out of the Window
Dispute Statement 4 “Unless you have a way to move a body” with Bedsheet

Question: How do we know the bedsheet was from the bedroom?
Answer: Bed (“Missing its sheets”)

Question: What is Oliver’s Motive?
Answer: You Wanted to Protect your Job

Oliver Curry’s Statement – Final Course: A Recipe for Failure
Dispute Statement 4 “I’m not carrying any weapons” with Sherry (“He carries it everywhere”)

Case 3 – Investigation

New Evidence: Lear’s Statement.
The Detective’s Brief is now available.

At the orphanage, travel to the Director’s Office to meet Bill Klaus.
New Profile: Bill Klaus.
New Evidence: Klaus’s Statement.

Investigate the folders to find Klaus’ Financial Ledger, the notes to uncover the Car Brakes Receipt, and the trash to retrieve the Insurance Letter.
Ask about the orphanage’s location to unlock the Landlady’s Office, and ask about dropping the case to gain access to the Alleyway.

Travel to the Landlady’s Office to meet Anna Card.
New Profile: Anna Card.
New Evidence: Mrs. Eubank’s Statement and Carde’s Statement.

Ask Ferris about Bill’s Audit to uncover Rent Payments, and ask Annie about the orphanage’s location to obtain Orphanage’s Lease.
Investigate the boxes to find evidence for the Garage and Meg’s Car, the window to discover the Landlady’s Window, and the cabinet to reveal the Magic Cabinet.

Head to the Garage to meet Megan Kaneki.
New Profile: Megan Kaneki.
New Evidence: Kaneki’s Statement.

Investigate the car to uncover Bill’s Car, the box to find the Rope Box, the spray paint to obtain Spray Paint, and the step ladder for the Ace Attorney Stepladder achievement.

No one is at the Alleyway, but you now have enough evidence to dispute Meg’s statement.

Dispute Statement 2: “I didn’t see any major issues” with Car Brakes Receipt, which shows Meg purchased car brakes on the day of the crash.
Review her updated statement and dispute Statement 2 again: “Brakes had worn out from overuse,” with Meg’s Car, which was built only two weeks ago.

After completing this, head to the Alleyway and meet Fry Noil.
New Profile: Fry Noil.
New Evidence: Noil’s Statement.

Review Fry’s statement and dispute Statement 2: “So ‘bout half past one,” with Kaneki’s Statement, showing Fry was working on Bill’s car until 1:45 PM.

When asked what proves Fry Noil knows Meg, present the Spray Paint, which has the initials “F.N.”
New Evidence: Love Letter and Car Brakes.

Return to the Garage to review Meg’s statement again.
Dispute Statement 3: “I went and picked them up” with Unused Car Brakes, which were picked up by Fry.
New Evidence: Broken Brakes and Chandra’s Second Statement.

New Profile: Lowell Ledger.
New Evidence: Charity Money.

Nothing more of importance here, so travel to the Eubank Estate.
New Evidence: Mr. Eubank’s Statement.

When ready, review Mr. Eubank’s statement.
Dispute Statement 4: “All the money we collected is either still there or in your possession,” with Charity Money, which shows 25,000 alms are unaccounted for.

When asked where the money went, present Lear’s Statement, which confirms 25,000 alms were transferred.
New Evidence: Klaus Charity Vote.

Return to Eubank Investments when ready.
Ask Lowell about Owen’s Card to unlock Anton Chambers.
New Profile: Anton Chambers.

Speak to Anton about his three topics and then ask about the Missing Money.

Finally, travel to the Police Station to conclude the investigation.

Case 3 – Interrogation

Bill Klaus’ Statement – The Transferred Money
Dispute Statement 4 “He paid the orphanage’s rent from his own account” with Rent Payments (“ from the orphanage’s account”)

Bill Klaus’ Statement – The Money’s Purpose
Dispute Statement 1 “all money transferred was used for maintenance expenses” with Klaus’ Financial Ledger (“expenses total 15,000 alms”)

Question: Why would Bill give a large sum of money to Meg?
Answer: Kaneki’s statement (“he hired Meg to work on his car”)

Question: Why would Bill be unable to use insurance on the car?
Answer: Insurance Letter (“disputing his claim”)

Rebuttal – An Ironclad Defense
Dispute statement 5 “everything is above board” with Mrs. Eubanks statement (“can only be used for orphanage expenses”)

Bill Klaus’s Confession – The Full Truth
Dispute Statement 4 “if only that kid hadn’t loosened the brakes” with Broken Brakes

Annie Carde’s Statement – First Trick: a Suspect From Nowhere!
Dispute statement 4 “but he must have been there that day to sabotage the brakes!” with Love Letter

Question: Why would someone send a false letter to Fry?
Answer: Someone wanted to frame Fry

Annie Carde’s Statement – Second Trick: Annie Carde’s Mundane Meeting
Dispute statement 3 “all we did was talk business, nothing unusual happened” with Carde’s Statement “she performed a magic trick at 1:45 PM”

New Evidence: Annie’s Bindings

Annie Carde’s Statement – Third Trick: Maggie Shawn’s Extraordinarily Escape!
Dispute statement 3 “no other means of escape” with Magic Cabinet “(hidden door”)

Question: How did Annie leave the room?
For the Magical Thinking achievement, say She Used Magic!
To continue, answer She moved the box

Question: Where was the magical cabinet so that Annie could escape?
Answer: Landlady’s Window

Annie Carde’s Statement – The Final Act
Dispute Statement 5 “It’s not like there was extra rope” with Rope Box (“one long spool”)

Question: When did Annie escape the bindings?
Answer: Before she escaped the box, then present Annie’s Bindings

Question: Why would Annie do this?
Answer: She wanted the orphanage gone

Question: Why couldn’t Annie evict Klaus’ orphanage?
Answer: Orphanage’s Lease (“Only for unpaid rent”)

Question: What’s the proof that Annie cared?
Answer: Meg’s Car (“Ms Carde provided her with the parts and showed her the process”)