Craftable Gear and Workbench Recipes Guide for Mirthwood: Swords, Bows, Armor, and Trinkets.
Mirthwood: Crafting Guide
All craftable gear and workbench recipes in Mirthwood.

Wooden Sword
Rarity: Common
Sell Value: 5 coins
Damage: 3
Materials Needed: 15 wood
Copper Sword
Rarity: Common
Sell Value: 20 coins
Damage: 6
Materials Needed: 6 copper bars
Refined Copper Sword
Rarity: Common
Sell Value: 175 coins
Damage: 8
Materials Needed: 10 copper bars
Iron Sword
Rarity: Common
Sell Value: 175 coins
Damage: 10
Materials Needed: 6 iron bars
Refined Iron Sword
Rarity: Common
Sell Value: 325 coins
Damage: 14
Materials Needed: 12 iron bars
Swamp Stick
Rarity: Uncommon
Sell Value: 300 coins
Damage: 13
Materials Needed: 50 hardwood, 8 iron bars
Steel Sword
Rarity: Uncommon
Sell Value: 515 coins
Damage: 18
Materials Needed: 8 steel bars
Rarity: Rare
Sell Value: 450 coins
Damage: 16
Materials Needed: 4 steel bars, 6 boar tusks
Woodland Sword
Rarity: Rare
Sell Value: 400 coins
Damage: 17
Materials Needed: 12 iron bars, 50 hardwood
Duelist’s Blade
Rarity: Rare
Sell Value: 515 coins
Damage: 19
Materials Needed: 8 steel bars
Sword ‘O the Plains
Rarity: Rare
Sell Value: 650 coins
Damage: 20
Materials Needed: 10 steel bars
Rarity: Rare
Sell Value: 630 coins
Damage: 21
Materials Needed: 8 steel bars, 1 emerald
Seafarer’s Sword
Rarity: Rare
Sell Value: 650 coins
Damage: 22
Materials Needed: 10 steel bars
Elven Sword
Rarity: Rare
Sell Value: 650 coins
Damage: 23
Materials Needed: 8 steel bars, 1 gold bar
Ranger’s Sword
Rarity: Rare
Sell Value: 825 coins
Damage: 25
Materials Needed: 4 iron bars, 12 steel bars
Refined Steel Sword
Rarity: Rare
Sell Value: 875 coins
Damage: 26
Materials Needed: 14 steel bars
Silver Sword
Rarity: Rare
Sell Value: 870 coins
Damage: 28
Materials Needed: 12 silver bars
Winter’s Bite
Rarity: Rare
Sell Value: 1100 coins
Damage: 30
Materials Needed: 4 steel bars, 12 silver bars
Rarity: Legendary
Sell Value: 925 coins
Damage: 29
Materials Needed: 2 iron bars, 12 steel bars, 2 silver bars
Golden Sword
Rarity: Legendary
Sell Value: 1150 coins
Damage: 31
Materials Needed: 12 gold bars
Sword of Hearts
Rarity: Legendary
Sell Value: 1200 coins
Damage: 33
Materials Needed: 10 steel bars, 5 gold bars
Rarity: Legendary
Sell Value: 1200 coins
Damage: 35
Materials Needed: 12 steel bars, 4 silver bars
Hardwood Bow
Rarity: Uncommon
Sell Value: 250 coins
Damage: 7
Materials Needed: 50 hardwood, 5 iron bars
Recurve Bow
Rarity: Rare
Sell Value: 500 coins
Damage: 13
Materials Needed: 50 hardwood, 5 steel bars
War Bow
Rarity: Rare
Sell Value: 850 coins
Damage: 18
Materials Needed: 100 hardwood, 10 steel bars
Bucket Helmet
Rarity: Common
Sell Value: 5 coins
Armor: 2
Materials Needed: 10 wood
Kettle Helm
Rarity: Common
Sell Value: 140 coins
Armor: 8
Materials Needed: 5 iron bars
Nasal Helm
Rarity: Common
Sell Value: 220 coins
Armor: 10
Materials Needed: 8 iron bars
Barbute Helm
Rarity: Uncommon
Sell Value: 375 coins
Armor: 13
Materials Needed: 2 iron bars, 5 steel bars
Bascinet Helm
Rarity: Uncommon
Sell Value: 500 coins
Armor: 16
Materials Needed: 8 steel bars
Great Helm
Rarity: Rare
Sell Value: 750 coins
Armor: 22
Materials Needed: 12 steel bars
Light Leather Armor
Rarity: Common
Sell Value: 190 coins
Armor: 7
Materials Needed: 5 leather
Sturdy Leather Armor
Rarity: Uncommon
Sell Value: 250 coins
Armor: 10
Materials Needed: 5 leather, 3 iron bars
Bandit’s Brigandine
Rarity: Uncommon
Sell Value: 215 coins
Armor: 10
Materials Needed: 5 cloth, 2 steel bars
Studded Leather Jacket
Rarity: Uncommon
Sell Value: 315 coins
Armor: 15
Materials Needed: 5 leather, 2 steel bars
Cirian Brigandine
Rarity: Uncommon
Sell Value: 550 coins
Armor: 20
Materials Needed: 5 linen, 5 steel bars
Kelsyrian Brigandine
Rarity: Uncommon
Sell Value: 550 coins
Armor: 20
Materials Needed: 5 linen, 5 steel bars
Turien Brigandine
Rarity: Uncommon
Sell Value: 550 coins
Armor: 20
Materials Needed: 5 linen, 5 steel bars
Osoran Brigandine
Rarity: Uncommon
Sell Value: 550 coins
Armor: 20
Materials Needed: 5 linen, 5 steel bars
Velorian Brigandine
Rarity: Uncommon
Sell Value: 550 coins
Armor: 20
Materials Needed: 5 linen, 5 steel bars
Seafarer’s Brigandine
Rarity: Uncommon
Sell Value: 550 coins
Armor: 20
Materials Needed: 5 linen, 5 steel bars
Plate Armor
Rarity: Rare
Sell Value: 300 coins
Armor: 25
Materials Needed: 12 steel bars
Siltlurker Charm
Rarity: Rare
Sell Value: 100 coins
Effect: +10% defense against humans
Materials Needed: 30 siltlurker flesh
Cavewalker Charm
Rarity: Rare
Sell Value: 100 coins
Effect: +10% chance to mine extra ore
Materials Needed: 30 cavewalker shards
Spriggan Charm
Rarity: Rare
Sell Value: 100 coins
Effect: +10% defense against animals
Materials Needed: 20 spriggan essence
Silver Ring
Rarity: Rare
Sell Value: 75 coins
Effect: +5% defense against all enemies
Materials Needed: 10 silver bars
Gold Ring
Rarity: Rare
Sell Value: 200 coins
Effect: +10% defense against all enemies
Materials Needed: 10 gold bars
Ruby Ring
Rarity: Rare
Sell Value: 150 coins
Effect: +5% movement speed while on foot
Materials Needed: 3 rubies, 10 silver bars
Pearl Necklace
Rarity: Rare
Sell Value: 150 coins
Effect: Improved success in social interactions
Materials Needed: 10 pearls
Diamond Ring
Rarity: Legendary
Sell Value: 500 coins
Effect: +10% defense against all enemies, -5% to all drain rates
Materials Needed: 1 diamond, 10 gold bars

Roofed Stone Well
Description: Used to draw water
Materials Needed: Stone x30, Wood x20
Bird Roost
Description: A landing spot and place of rest for birds (Required to purchase birds)
Materials Needed: Wood x50
Animal Stall
Description: A covered shelter for one large animal (Provides a minor happiness boost)
Materials Needed: Wood x150, Hay x15
Chicken Stall
Description: A covered shelter that provides housing for 2 chickens (Provides a minor happiness boost)
Materials Needed: Wood x100, Hay x15
Description: Covered shelter for one horse (Provides a large happiness boost)
Materials Needed: Stone x50, Wood x150, Stable Drawing x1
Grain Mill
Description: Used to turn harvested grains into flour, animal feed, and more
Materials Needed: Stone x100, Wood x150, Mill Drawing x1
Description: A large multipurpose structure
Materials Needed: Stone x50, Wood x200, Shed Drawing x1
Chicken Coop
Description: Covered shelter for 6 chickens (Provides a large happiness boost)
Materials Needed: Stone x100, Wood x350, Coop Drawing x1
Small Barn
Description: Covered shelter for 4 large animals (Provides a large happiness boost)
Materials Needed: Stone x50, Wood x600, Hardwood x50, Barn Drawing x1
Small Barrel
Description: Holds a small collection of items
Materials Needed: Wood x30
Small Chest
Description: Holds a medium collection of items
Materials Needed: Wood x30, Iron Bar x1
Large Chest
Description: Holds a large collection of items
Materials Needed: Wood x40, Iron Bar x2
Description: Protects crops from crows
Materials Needed: Hay x20, Wood x20
Wood Fence
Description: Basic fencing that keeps things in or out
Materials Needed: Wood x10
Wooden Lamppost
Description: A wooden lamppost that gives off some light
Materials Needed: Wood x25, Iron Bar x1
Wood Arch
Description: An archway made out of wood, usable as an exit or entrance
Materials Needed: Wood x50
Stone Fence
Description: Sturdy fencing that keeps things in or out
Materials Needed: Stone x10
Stone Lamppost
Description: A sturdy lamppost that gives off some light
Materials Needed: Stone x25, Iron Bar x1
Stone Arch
Description: A sturdy archway made out of stone, usable as an exit or entrance
Materials Needed: Stone x50
Hardwood Fence
Description: Sturdy wooden fencing that keeps things in or out
Materials Needed: Hardwood x10
Hardwood Lamppost
Description: A sturdy wooden lamppost that gives off some light
Materials Needed: Hardwood x25, Iron Bar x1
Hardwood Arch
Description: A sturdy wooden archway made of stone, usable as an exit or entrance
Materials Needed: Stone x50
Limestone Fence
Description: Elegant fencing that keeps things in or out
Materials Needed: Limestone x10
Limestone Lamppost
Description: An elegant lamppost that gives off some light
Materials Needed: Limestone x25, Iron Bar x1
Limestone Arch
Description: An elegant archway made out of limestone, usable as an exit or entrance
Materials Needed: Limestone x50
Small Stone Fountain
Description: A small fountain made of stone with water
Materials Needed: Stone x50
Limestone Fountain
Description: A mid-sized elegant fountain made of limestone with water
Materials Needed: Limestone x50
Wooden Trellis
Description: Wooden stacks with vines growing on them
Materials Needed: Wood x100
Limestone Veranda
Description: An elegant veranda of archways made out of limestone
Materials Needed: Limestone x200, Hardwood x50
Deer Mount
Description: A head of a deer mounted for display
Materials Needed: Deer Pelt x2
Boar Mount
Description: A head of a boar mounted for display
Materials Needed: Boar Pelt x2
Bear Mount
Description: A head of a bear mounted for display
Materials Needed: Bear Pelt x2
Storage Clutter
Description: A stack of barrels, boxes, and bags, purely decorative
Materials Needed: Wood x25, Cloth x2
Stacked Sacks
Description: A small stack of cloth bags, purely decorative
Materials Needed: Cloth x2
Crafting Stations
Cooking Pot
Description: Used for crafting snacks, meals, and elixirs
Materials Needed: Stone x15, Wood x10
Description: Used for crafting weapons and armors
Materials Needed: Stone x15, Iron Bar x2
Description: Used for crafting stations, decor, and storage
Materials Needed: Wood x40
Description: Used for crafting and refining metals and ores
Materials Needed: Stone x40
Description: Used for crafting alcohols
Materials Needed: Wood x30, Iron Bars x2
Description: Used for aging alcohols
Materials Needed: Wood x50, Iron Bars x2
Description: Used for crafting cheese, fermented fruits, and more
Materials Needed: Wood x50, Iron Bars x1
Description: Used for crafting butter and more
Materials Needed: Wood x30, Iron Bar x1
Description: Used for crafting threads, cloth, and other fabrics
Materials Needed: Wood x50
Tanning Rack
Description: Used for crafting leather
Materials Needed: Wood x50
Description: Used for crafting charcoal, pottery, and more
Materials Needed: Stone x60
This list provides an overview of workbench recipes, craftable gear; including weapons, armor, helmets, and trinkets, along with their damage, armor, sell value, and required materials.