A complete walkthrough of Mindlock: The Apartment, including puzzle solutions, achievements, and codes.
Mindlock The Apartment: Walkthrough Guide
The game is not difficult and easily achievable. I’ve hidden the codes in case you want to figure them out yourself. Only missable achievements are explained, as the rest come automatically.
Part 1
Part 1 Walkthrough in Mindlock – The Apartment.
- The game begins with a small tutorial that quickly shows you how to play.
- After waking up and getting out of bed, the game starts.
- Achievement: Employee of the Month. Interact multiple times with a left-click on the drawing of Mr. Price. If you don’t get the achievement, try again later or throw darts 1-2 times.
- Leave the bedroom.
- From this point onward, you can press the Spacebar to briefly see all interaction points.
- Go to the kitchen.
- Click on the bell next to the kettle and eat the sandwich.
- Return to the bedroom and change clothes using the wardrobe.
- Pick up the phone on the left and reply to your father.
- Go to the kitchen and take the canned food for Sparky from the cabinet next to the door.
- Go to the bathroom and brush your teeth. Combine toothpaste from the inventory with the toothbrush at the sink.
- A dream sequence mini-game begins:
- Choose coffee.
- Right-click on the coffee machine and drink the coffee.
- Repeat the process but don’t drink the coffee this time.
- Go to the toilet on the right and drink the coffee there.
- Repeat pouring coffee, go left to your desk, and drink the coffee.
- Repeat pouring the coffee, go left to your desk, click the phone, and drink your coffee.
- Pour coffee again, go to the toilet on the right, click on your phone, and head to your desk on the left.
- Click on the phone, then your coffee. Afterward, return to reality.
- Pick up the measuring tape in front of the bathtub.
- Achievement: Measuring the World. Use the measuring tape on various things around the apartment or in your inventory until the achievement unlocks.
- Go to the living room and approach the owl at the window until it disappears.
- Pick up the tape on the table in front of the red chair.
- Use the measuring tape with the couch to get money.
- Achievement: Against Materialism. Get rid of the money! I’m not sure how the achievement works exactly, but just apply the money to many items like trash cans, toilets, windows, ovens, etc., until the achievement pops up. Do this before giving the money to the marionette.
- Use the canned food with the stop sign to open it.
- Go back to the bedroom and feed Sparky with the canned food.
Part 2
Part 2 Walkthrough in Mindlock – The Apartment.
- Go to the hallway, and you will notice your front door is gone.
- Head to the bathroom and use the faucet.
- A small mini-game will start—follow the instructions.
- Interact with the mirror and go through the dialogue.
- Go to the hallway and pick up the remote from the floor.
- Enter the living room and use the remote with the TV.
- Head to the bedroom and get the batteries from the drawer next to your bed.
- Return to the living room and use the remote with the TV again.
- Leave the TV and try to exit the room—the TV will turn back on.
- Try to turn it off with the remote and then pull the plug on the left.
- Go to the bedroom and inspect the spotlight at the top right.
- Grab the lightbulb from the floor lamp on the bottom left.
- Click on the hint sign.
- You need 7 coins now.
- Use your money from the inventory to insert 2 coins already. Alternatively, you can wait until the third coin appears in the bills.
- In the living room, click on the TV for a close-up view, and a coin will be near the socket and remote.
- In the hallway, click on the pin on the jacket, which serves as another coin.
- Go to the kitchen, and there’s a magnet on the fridge. Next to it, grab a knife from the knife block and use it on the soap next to the faucet by the bell.
- Now, we need to cut 2 soap coins. It’s easy and doesn’t require expert skills. Keep rotating the soap and the coins until you get 3 ticks. This should take less than 2 minutes. The second time, it only took 20 seconds.
- Once all 7 coins are inserted, the marionette comes to life.
- Listen to the offer.
- Use the money with the marionette.
- Go to the living room and grab the pen on the right from the close-up of the TV.
- Go back to the bedroom and use the pen with the marionette.
- Use the knife with the threads (on the marionette).
- Achievement: Sadist. Did the marionette really deserve this? Keep interacting with it, especially with the mirror, so it slaps itself. Do this 3-5 times to unlock the achievement.
- Combine the tape with the knife, then combine the measuring tape with the knife.
- Use the long knife with the threads to free the marionette and speak to it for a hint for the next puzzle.
- Go to the living room and use the pen with the surface above the door.
- Now, you need to draw what the marionette told you (See screenshot).

- Head to the hallway, and if everything is correct, the apartment will be upside down. Use the knife on the old clock in the bottom right.
- Go to the living room and click on the couch to get the user manual.
- Return to the old clock and solve the gear puzzle.
Part 3: Gear Puzzle
Part 3 Walkthrough in Mindlock – The Apartment.
I’ve done my best to show you the solution via screenshots. The screenshots were professionally hand-drawn or created with a mouse. Please do not focus on them for too long! Follow the instructions from top to bottom and left to right:

Part 4
Part 4 Walkthrough in Mindlock – The Apartment.
- Click on the clock until it stops at 12 o’clock. Pay attention to the background.
- Go to the living room and use the pen with the area above the door to return the room to its normal state.
- Achievement: Scribbler – Write a message on the wall. After repainting the area in the living room and undoing your previous action, go to the hallway and write on the wall where the front door once was.
- Go to the bathroom and talk to the mirror.
- Head back to the hallway until you hear a noise.
- Return to the bathroom and pull the shower curtain aside.
- Have a short conversation with the old man.
- Go to the bedroom and grab the glass of water next to Sparky.
- Achievement: A Sip of Air – An empty glass won’t help with a cough. Once you’ve grabbed the water glass, go back to the old man and give him the empty glass.
- Go to the kitchen and use the water faucet with the water glass.
- Go back to the bathroom, give the old man the filled water glass, and talk to him.
- Head to the hallway and click on the potato.
- Play the mini dream sequence:
- Throw the potato into the trash.
- Pick up the calculator from the table.
- Achievement: Resistance Is Futile – Why take the calculator? Once you pick up the calculator from the table, try to throw it into the trash immediately.
- Put the calculator in your backpack.
- After the dream sequence, go to the bedroom and take the drawing of Mr. Price from the dartboard.
- Remove the calendar from the door, revealing the Old Photo behind it.
- Go to the kitchen and take the toaster.
- Head to the living room and click on your father’s recording above the couch.
- Go through the thoughts and, at the end, select Achieve Your Own Success.
- Then choose Do Not Talk to Anyone.
- Go to the bathroom and flush the items you’ve just collected.
- The toaster doesn’t work, so go back to the living room and combine the toaster with the stop sign on the wall.
- In the bathroom, flush the toaster parts and your phone.
Part 5
Part 5 Walkthrough in Mindlock – The Apartment.
- Continue in the hallway.
- Achievement: Tug-of-War – Compete against the old man by pulling the shower curtain. After your fears and doubts (or the inflated Mr. Price) appear, go back to the bathroom and open the shower curtain multiple times.
- Return to the bathroom and grab the deodorant.
- Head to the hallway and try to enter the living room, or click on the chip card reader.
- Go to the bedroom and pull down the blanket.
- Talk to the creature and go through all the dialogues.
- Go to the hallway and cut both paintings in the top right corner with the long knife.
- Go to the bedroom and try to cut the painting there as well.
- Go to the bathroom and talk to your boss. He will give you a chip card. Use this in the hallway at the chip card reader to open the door.
- Talk to all four people, especially about work motivation. Then, go left to ???.
- Try using your chip card at the chip card reader, but it doesn’t work.
- Use the chip card with the number 23, and once you can act again, quickly use the long knife with the printer while it’s distracted by the chip card comparison.
- Use the new chip card with the left chip card reader to enter the storage room.
- Grab the soup.
- Go back to Employee #41 and offer him the soup.
- Then, go back to the storage room to the left and combine the soup with the spider at the top right.
- Combine the soup with Employee #41, and he will disappear.
- Take the destroyed picture and combine it with the pen.
- Go to the workspace and give the artwork (the signed picture) to Employee #44 on the front right. She will disappear.
- Have a short conversation with Employee #182 on the left.
- Go to the bathroom and talk to your boss again after the dialogue.
- Head to the hallway. Now Employee #182 is standing there. Have a brief conversation with him.
Part 6
Part 6 Walkthrough in Mindlock – The Apartment.
- Go to the workplace and have a brief conversation with Employee #108 about the air system.
- Head to the hallway and talk to Employee #182 about the air system.
- We now need a 4-digit code.
- Go left at the workplace to the administration area. The clue is “second hand.”
- Go to the storage room and click on the device.
- The code is: 5 2 4 5.
- Press 1.
- Go to the bathroom, and your boss should be flat. Click on him and flush him away.
- Back in the hallway, talk to Employee #182, who gives you a lighter. Immediately combine it with the deodorant. Does this bring up any childhood memories? 😀
- Go to the bedroom and quickly burn the 4 tentacles. Then click on the blanket under the dartboard when Colin gives the signal. This will make the creature disappear.
- Use the long knife on the father in the picture.
- Try using the flamethrower on the father.
- A kind of dream sequence follows, and we need a plan.
- Right-click until you have a snake symbol, then click on the trash can.
- Select the calculator and click on the trash can again when your mouse symbol is a calculator.
- Click on the box on the floor near the bed.
- Now you can use the plane on the ceiling to briefly hypnotize your father.
- Quickly use the potato on your father to knock his glasses off.
- Now you can tear a piece of cardboard.
- Throw the potato at his head again and combine the cardboard with the tape.
- Repeat the process and this time combine the pen with the cardboard.
- Do it once more, combining the chip card with the cardboard.
- If you’re fast, you can combine two items at once, rather than doing it four times.
- Throw the calculator into the trash.
Part 7
Part 7 Walkthrough in Mindlock – The Apartment.
- Look at the ventilation in the top left and open it.
- Talk to Snowy and go through all the dialogues.
- Give him your pen in exchange for the firecracker.
- Place the firecracker to the right of the door on the ice chunk and use it with the flamethrower.
- Once the path is clear, take the small ice chunk.
- Go to the hallway and then to the kitchen.
- Pick up the kettle.
- Go to the bedroom and use the kettle on Snowy.
- Give him the ice chunk after the conversation.
- Go back to the kitchen and place the kettle back on the kettle station.
- In the hallway, pour hot water from the kettle over the doorknob.
- Head to the living room.
- Open the window and climb out once you’ve finished your thoughts.
- Go left along the path.
- Then go right along the path.
- Take the log and go back left to the river.
- Achievement: Round Trip – It seems this wasn’t the way after all. At the river, there are two paths: one through the bush on the left and one on the right. Go through both until the achievement unlocks.
- Try to move the log across the river.
- Go back right.
- Place the log on the rock and climb onto it.

- Now, go back to the river and use the log with the river.
- This will trigger a small river puzzle.
Part 8: River Puzzle
Part 8 Walkthrough in Mindlock – The Apartment.
You have a left and a right foot, as well as the log. You need to figure out how to cross the river. Alternate placing the left/right foot and the log twice on the small stones to cross the river. See the screenshots for reference:
- R = Right foot
- L = Left foot
- Green represents the log.
Warning: After using the log for the first time, make sure to take the log with you, or if you place the first foot after using the log, you’ll need to start over.

Part 9
Part 9 Walkthrough in Mindlock – The Apartment.
Once you’re able to interact again after crossing, continue.
Achievement: Fire Potion – In another game, you would have crafted something here. Simply use your potato with the shell on the left before interacting with the owl.
- Click the owl near the moon and try to talk to it.
- Throw your potato at the owl.
- Talk to the owl and go through all the dialogues.
- After the conversation, fill your kettle at the river and give it to the owl.
- Go into the hallway.
- Try to open the front door.
- Collect all the door handles and attach them to the correct doors. It’s a simple puzzle. Once you’ve attached a handle, you can open the room and see what it contains. Normally, you should know which room is which by now. Otherwise, follow the screenshot provided.

- Open the front door.
- Go into the living room, briefly talk to Number 108.
- Go into the kitchen, fill the kettle with water, and place it on the stand.
- Return to the living room and give her the water for tea.
- Talk to her.
Achievement: Tea Drinker – Prove how much you enjoy the tea. During the conversation with Number 108, repeatedly click the “Drink Tea” dialogue until the achievement unlocks.
- Watch the music video on the TV; it’s pretty well done.
- Afterward, go into the hallway and click on the shadow being.
- Then, go through the top right door to enter your father’s office.
- Look at the family photo and knock it down.
- Next, go to the bathroom and talk to the old man in the bathtub.
- Finally, go into the bedroom, open the wardrobe, and enter it.
Part 10
Part 10 Walkthrough in Mindlock – The Apartment.
- In the wardrobe, move aside the clothes.
- Go through the hole at the end (???).
- Talk to Self-Doubt.
- Go back through the hole into the bedroom and place the tape on the enclosure.
- Return to the enclosure through the wardrobe, click on the tape to stop the wheel.
- Talk briefly to Self-Doubt again.
- Investigate the haystack on the right, and try to talk to Self-Confidence.
- Click on the water bowl, then talk again to Self-Confidence.
- Go back to the bedroom and pick up the pink schoolbag.
- Grab the old photo from the door in the bedroom.
- Go to the living room and talk to Veloria about your father’s office.
- Go to the bathroom and pick up your phone again.
- Return to the enclosure through the wardrobe in the bedroom.
- Give Self-Confidence the photo of Snowy.
- Click on the appearing images and movements (wind, snowman, girl).
- Give Self-Confidence the pink schoolbag.
- Go back to the hallway, then enter your father’s office.
- Use your phone with your father.
- Go through the dialogues.
- On the golf course, you now need to retrieve the ball.
- Go to the far right and wait for the swan to approach.
- Right-click on the golf ball in the water to collect it.
- Return to your father.
- After the conversation, go to the living room and talk to Veloria.
- Go to the hallway.
Part 11
Part 11 Walkthrough in Mindlock – The Apartment.
- Move the carpet and open the trapdoor.
- Move right three times and pick up the pan.
- Go left to the imprint in the ground.
- Use the pan here.
- Go left; a new path appears, take it.
- When you reach the tree, pick up the berry lying there.
- Explore the paths and gather all the berries.
- Place all the berries in the pan you previously set on the ground.
- Go back to the tree, and a new path has appeared again.
- Sit at the tree with Michelle and talk to her.
- Click the window and talk with Michelle, go through all the dialogues.
- Try to go left toward the kitchen, but it doesn’t work.
- Talk to Michelle at the window.
- Return to the hallway.
- Wait until Michelle makes noise, then move a little. Stop before it’s silent again, otherwise, your father will hear you and send you back to your room.
- Once in the kitchen, grab the towel to get the spoon underneath it.
- Open the fridge and quickly hide behind the counter.
- Signal Michelle, and she will whistle to distract your mother.
- Grab the pot and pan on the left side, then return behind the counter. If you’re quick, you can grab both items; otherwise, repeat it.
- Wait until your mother goes back to washing and give Michelle the spoon, pan, and pot through the window in the kitchen.
- Go back to the hallway and let yourself be caught. Then, go from your room directly into the garden; it’s faster than sneaking from the kitchen.
- In the garden, gather four stones and some dirt from the molehill.
- Head right to the bushes.
- Click the middle of the bushes at the bottom and collect the two leaves.
- Go back to the garden and use the stick with the berries.
- Then, return to Michelle in the bushes and complete the pizza by adding all the ingredients, ensuring you get full stars.
Part 12
Part 12 Walkthrough in Mindlock – The Apartment.
- After the scene with your father and the conversations, go right to the tree.
- Examine the rope, then head left to Veloria. Talk to her and return.
- Ring the bell.
- After all this, you’re back in the apartment.
- Head to the bathroom.
- Talk to Veloria and open the shower curtain.
- Pick up the farewell letter and read it.
- Achievement: “Don’t hold grudges” – Burning people isn’t a solution. Just use the flamethrower on Veloria.
- Go to the window in the living room, and a lizard will come inside.
- Try to catch it: first by the wall, then on the couch.
- Go to the hallway and examine the jacket.
- In the kitchen, examine the basil in the bottom left.
- Return to the hallway and examine the pizza box.
- Go to the bedroom and examine the red floor lamp.
- The lizard will crawl under the bed; click there.
- You’ll find a locked diary—examine it.
- If you want to figure out the code on your own, search for clues around the apartment.
- The code is 8 4 7.
- Flip through the diary’s pages and then head to the kitchen.
- Achievement: “Fanboy” – Look around the restaurant carefully. Before talking to the cook or bringing the missing ingredients, click on the oven, salt shaker, food, and restaurant.
- Click on the person, collect the salt and dill, and add them to the pot.
- Talk to Veloria.
- Head back to the hallway and open the front door.
- It’s unclear if your choice here matters, but I selected the “middle” option.
- We wake up again; set the phone down and turn on the light.
- Achievement: “E” – The wonderful sound of a guitar. Click on the guitar on the wall right after waking up.
Part 13: Ending
Part 13: End Walkthrough in Mindlock – The Apartment.
- Go to the kitchen and interact with the cutting board.
- Complete the small mini-game-it’s not difficult.
- Collect three boxes and place them in the hallway on the small shelf where pizza boxes once lay.
- There is one box each in the bathroom, living room, and bedroom.
- Afterward, head to the bathroom, brush your teeth, and take a shower.
- In the living room, click on the notes on the wall.
- Go through the thoughts, there’s no risk of getting this wrong.
- Head to the bedroom and grab your phone.
- Respond however you prefer.
- Achievement: “Dancing Queen” – Show your moves in the living room. Combine your phone with the speaker in front of the couch.
- Head to the hallway and exit the door.
- Game Complete!
Congratulations on completing the game!