Luma Island: Temple Locations and Loot Guide

This guide offers detailed loot descriptions and locations for the temples in Luma Island.

Luma Island: Temple Locations and Loot Guide

Primarily useful for advancing the story and enhancing the Archaeologist profession.

Forest Temples

Overgrown Forest Temple

Bottom-left of the three temples marked on the creator’s map. Features an Archaeologist Profession door, locked unless you are on the relevant questline for this profession.

Forgotten Tablet A
1x Ancient Book (Room 5)
1x Mysterious Egg
1x Broken Tolcani Bracelet
1x Broken Tolcani Necklace
Locked DoorsRequirements
Ancient Scale Door1x Pyrite, 10x Rock Spirits
Ancient Druidic Door3x Forest Wood, 3x Forest Resin, 3x Forest Flowers, 10x Nature Spirits
Ancient Seafarer’s Door3x Barkfin, 10x Water Spirits
Ancient Farmer’s Door3x Wheat, 3x Grapes, 10x Earth Spirits
Ancient Excavator’s Door5x Spider Silk, 5x Bat Hides, 10x Lost Spirits

Deserted Forest Temple

At the northernmost point marked on the creator’s map. Features an Archaeologist Profession door, locked unless you are on the relevant questline for this profession.

Forgotten Tablet B
1x Ancient Book (Room 6)
1x Mysterious Egg
1x Broken Tolcani Ring
1x Broken Tolcani Chalice
Locked DoorsRequirements
Ancient Scale Door1x Bismuth, 25x Rock Spirits
Ancient Woodcutter’s Door4x Forest Wood, 4x Forest Resin, 4x Forest Mushrooms, 25x Nature Spirits
Ancient Seafarer’s Door3x Moss Darters, 25x Water Spirits
Ancient Farmer’s Door3x Blueberries, 3x Apples, 25x Earth Spirits

Hidden Forest Temple

East side of the map, as marked on the creator’s map. Features an Archaeologist Profession door, locked unless you are on the relevant questline for this profession.

Forgotten Tablet C
1x Ancient Book (Room 8)
1x Mysterious Egg
1x Broken Tolcani Staff
1x Broken Tolcani Crown
Locked DoorsRequirements
Ancient Scale Door1x Crocoite, 50x Rock Spirits
Ancient Druidic Door5x Forest Wood, 5x Forest Resin, 5x Forest Berries, 50x Nature Spirits
Ancient Seafarer’s Door3x Iron-jaw Pike, 50x Water Spirits
Ancient Farmer’s Door3x Strawberries, 3x Oranges, 50x Earth Spirits
Ancient Excavator’s Door5x Spider Silk, 5x Bat Hides, 5x Forest Ectoplasms, 50x Lost Spirits

Mountain Temples

Forgotten Mountain Temple

West side of the map, as marked on the creator’s map. Features an Archaeologist Profession door, locked unless you are on the relevant questline for this profession.

Forgotten Tablet A
1x Ancient Book
1x Mysterious Egg
1x Broken Atziri Bracelet
1x Broken Atziri Necklace
Locked DoorsRequirements
Ancient Seafarer’s Door3x Ice Eels, 75x Water Spirits
Ancient Druidic Door3x Mountain Wood, 3x Mountain Resin, 3x Mountain Flowers, 75x Nature Spirits
Ancient Excavator’s Door5x Spider Silk, 5x Bat Hides, 75x Lost Spirits
Ancient Farmer’s Door3x Corn, 3x Cherries, 75x Earth Spirits

The Ruined Mountain Temple

North side of the map, as marked on the creator’s map. Features an Archaeologist Profession door, locked unless you are on the relevant questline for this profession.

Luma Island: Temple Locations and Loot Guide
Forgotten Tablet B
1x Ancient Book
1x Mysterious Egg
1x Broken Atziri Ring
1x Broken Atziri Chalice
Locked DoorsRequirements
Ancient Druidic Door4x Mountain Wood, 4x Mountain Resin, 4x Mountain Mushrooms, 100x Nature Spirits
Ancient Scale Door1x Azurite, 100x Rock Spirits
Ancient Farmer’s Door3x Sunflowers, 3x Starfruit, 100x Earth Spirits
Ancient Seafarer’s Door3x Granite Groupers, 100x Water Spirits

The Forsaken Mountain Temple

Mountain summit at the center of the map, as marked on the creator’s map. Features an Archaeologist Profession door, locked unless you are on the relevant questline for this profession.

Forgotten Tablet C
1x Ancient Book
1x Mysterious Egg
1x Broken Atziri Staff
1x Broken Atziri Crown
Locked DoorsRequirements
Ancient Seafarer’s Door3x Frostfang, 150x Water Spirits
Ancient Excavator’s Door5x Spider Silk, 5x Bat Hides, 5x Mountain Ectoplasms, 150x Lost Spirits
Ancient Farmer’s Door3x Tomatoes, 3x Chili Peppers, 3x Sugarcanes, 150x Earth Spirits
Ancient Scale Door1x Uvarovite, 150x Rock Spirits
Ancient Druidic Door5x Mountain Wood, 5x Mountain Resin, 5x Mountain Berries, 150x Nature Spirits

Jungle Temples

The Damned Jungle Temple

Click to enlarge the screenshot.

1x Broken Zapocala Bracelet
1x Broken Zapocala Necklace
Magma Tablet A
1x Mysterious Egg
1x Ancient Book
Locked DoorsRequirements
Ancient Seafarer’s Door (Blue)3x Bladefin, 200x Water Spirits
Ancient Scale Door (Grey)1x Sunset Fire Opal, 200x Rock Spirits
Ancient Farmer’s Door (Green)3x Almonds, 3x Eggplants, 200x Earth Spirits
Ancient Druidic Door (Orange)3x Jungle Wood, 3x Jungle Resin, 3x Jungle Flowers, 200x Nature Spirits
Ancient Excavator’s Door (Purple)5x Spider Silk, 5x Slimy Gunk, 200x Lost Spirits

The Haunted Jungle Temple

Click to enlarge the screenshot.

Luma Island: Temple Locations and Loot Guide
1x Broken Zapocala Ring
1x Broken Zapocala Chalice
Magma Tablet B
1x Mysterious Egg
1x Ancient Book
Locked DoorsRequirements
Ancient Farmer’s Door (Green)3x Kiwi Fruit, 3x Pumpkins, 3x Cocoa Beans, 300x Earth Spirits
Ancient Seafarer’s Door (Blue)3x Raging Marlin, 300x Water Spirits
Ancient Scale Door (Grey)1x Ruby, 300x Rock Spirits
Ancient Druidic Door (Orange)4x Jungle Wood, 4x Jungle Resin, 4x Jungle Mushrooms, 300x Nature Spirits
Ancient Excavator’s Door (Purple)5x Slimy Gunk, 5x Jungle Ectoplasms, 300x Lost Spirits

The Cursed Jungle Temple

Click to enlarge the screenshot.

1x Broken Zapocala Staff
1x Broken Zapocala Crown
Magma Tablet C
1x Mysterious Egg
1x Ancient Book
Locked DoorsRequirements
Ancient Farmer’s Door (Green)3x Potatoes, 3x Coffee Beans, 3x Watermelons, 3x Mangoes, 400x Earth Spirits
Ancient Scale Door (Grey)1x Diamond, 400x Rock Spirits
Ancient Seafarer’s Door (Blue)3x Tornado Fish, 400x Water Spirits
Ancient Excavator’s Door (Purple)5x Spider Silk, 5x Bat Hides, 5x Jungle Ectoplasms, 400x Lost Spirits
Ancient Druidic Door (Orange)5x Jungle Wood, 5x Jungle Resin, 5x Jungle Berries, 400x Nature Spirits