This guide covers how to unlock all endings and access various routes in Homicipher.
Homicipher: Walkthrough Guide for All Endings
To access each route, follow these instructions for starting points and specific choices.
Mr. Silvair’s Route:
- Start at Chapter 4, Scene 5 (or the nearest save file). Leave the room, then return to the room where Mr. Chopped is asleep.
- Lie down on the bed to enter Mr. Silvair’s route.
Mr. Hood’s Route:
Begin from Scene 19 in the Second Unnumbered Chapter. If you’ve played through Mr. Hood’s route before, load the closest save file. For fresh runs:
- Restart from Chapter 4, Scene 14, and proceed as normal.
- Once inside, look up and, during quick-time events, choose to run to the door, navigate the hallway, and interact with the door.
- Turn around quickly before time expires and move past him.
- When prompted, choose “Was small” to enter Mr. Hood’s route.
Mr. Machete’s Route:
Load Chapter 4, Scene 18. If it’s unavailable, start from Scene 14:
- Follow the steps above, progressing as usual.
- During the quick-time event, choose “Was big” to enter Mr. Machete’s route, then opt to “Defeat that guy.”
- Complete the action before the timer ends by touching the specified area.
Mr. Crawling’s Route:
Open Chapter 4, Scene 33, or start from Scene 26, Scene 17, or Scene 18 with “Was normal” chosen. Alternatively, start from the beginning:
- Load Chapter 4, Scene 14, and proceed through normal gameplay.
- During quick-time events, run to the door, proceed down the hallway, and interact with the door.
- Turn around in time, move past him, and select “Was normal” to access Mr. Crawling’s route.
- Break the door open, and when faced with four choices, select the third.
- In the elevator, choose to “do nothing.”
END01: Research
In Chapter 1, Scene 6, avoid taking Mr. Chopped with you and proceed normally.
END02: Happy Ending!
In Chapter 3, Scene 9, take the elevator up.
END03: I’m Back
- Start at Chapter 3, Scene 19, and choose to enter the elevator alone.
END04: Blissful Love Life
- Start at Chapter 3, Scene 19, and choose to go into the elevator together.
END05: Head Hunt
- Load Chapter 3, Scene 23, and pick random options until you lose (three mistakes).
- Select “Beyond” after the “Mistake End” appears.
END06: A Head’s Life
- Begin Chapter 4, Scene 5, or load the nearest save file, leave, and return to the room with Mr. Chopped.
- Sleep in the bed and select “Kill” as the first choice.
END07: Observation Target
- Reload Chapter 4, Scene 6, and select “do nothing” three times, then pick “kill” for the last option.
END08: Wanted You To Be Happy
Note: The hidden condition for going to “END08: Wanted You To Be Happy” is to tell Mr. Chopped Head that “it would be better if you had a body” in the Chapter 3 Scene 29 (Pick whichever choice at first, then the first option).
- Reload Chapter 4, Scene 6, and choose “do nothing” three times, then select “kill” on the final choice.
- After reaching END7, select “Beyond.”
- Do NOT break the cage; wait for the timer to expire.
- Answer his questions within the time limit.
- Choose the second option when prompted, followed by the first option, and then the first option again.
- Follow the game’s instructions until you reach a prompt with two choices. Select “Go.”
- Open the door in front of you and press the up arrow before the timer runs out.
- When entering the final quick time event (Mr. Silvair is on the left with an axe), and you have the choice to go LEFT or UP, make a save file here.
- Go left and don’t forget to press the button before the timer runs out.

Route End: Mr. Silver Hair (All Three Endings)
- Reload the save file from the previous END08. Alternatively, follow the guide below or the one before to reach the option branch.
- Reload Chapter 4, Scene 8. After reaching END07, select “Beyond.” (Alternatively, load your save file from the FIRST unnumbered chapter and proceed).
- Do NOT break the cage; wait for the timer to run out.
- Answer his questions within the time limit.
- Choose the second option when prompted, followed by the first option, and then the first option again.
- Follow the game’s instructions until you are presented with two options. Select “Go.”
- Open the door in front of you and press the up arrow before the timer expires.
- When entering the final quick time event (Mr. Silvair is on the left with an axe), and you are given the choice to go LEFT or UP, select UP.
After choosing UP:
- The next option doesn’t matter. Once you’re in a room with a red light, proceed into the black/red halfway. Save here, as there’s another branch ahead.
- Do NOT press the large window on the right. Instead, move straight ahead.
This leads to the ending “Route End: Mr. Silver Hair 1.”
Reloading the Hallway Save File:
- The answers you choose don’t matter, but be sure to select “Anger” when prompted, then save again before answering.
- Select “Kill” when prompted.
- After killing him, make another save when given two choices.
Choice 1:
Leads to the ending “Route End: Mr. Silver Hair 2.”
Choice 2:
Leads to the ending “Route End: Mr. Silver Hair 3.”
Route End: Mr. Hood
Load the Second Unnumbered Chapter Scene 19. Alternatively, you can load a save file closest to this if you’ve already played through Mr. Hood’s route before. If you don’t have any save files from the Second Unnumbered Chapter, follow these steps:
- Reload Chapter 4, Scene 14, and enter the area. Progress through the game as usual.
- Once inside, look up. During the quick time events, make sure to choose to run to the door, go through the hallway, and touch the door.
- Turn around in time before the timer expires and push past him.
- You’ll be prompted to choose between “Was big,” “Was normal,” or “Was small.” Select “Was small” to enter Mr. Hood’s Route. Continue playing through the route until you reach the Second Unnumbered Chapter Scene 19.
When meeting Mr. Hugeface, quickly hit his hand before the timer runs out.
Afterward, you’ll be given two options, and both will lead to the ending “Route End: Mr. Hood.”
Route End: Mr. Machete
Load Chapter 4, Scene 18. If you don’t have it yet, follow these steps:
- Reload Chapter 4, Scene 14, and enter the area. Progress through the game as normal.
- Once inside, look up. During the quick time events, ensure you choose to run to the door, go through the hallway, and touch the door.
- Turn around before the timer expires and push past him.
- You’ll be prompted to choose between “Was big,” “Was normal,” or “Was small.” Select “Was big” to enter Mr. Machete’s route, then choose “To defeat that guy.”
- Make sure to touch the indicated area before the timer runs out.
- In the room, take the machete. Do NOT smile at Mr. Gap. Break the door with the machete and avoid the hand within the time limit.
- Your options don’t matter here. DO NOT touch the broken vent while following Mr. Machete into the room.
- When faced with a quick time event involving a man with a chainsaw, move out of the way in time before the timer expires.
- After meeting the ghost, you’ll encounter Mr. Hugeface again. Make sure to avoid all his attacks in time.
- In the red area, Mr. Machete will say something. You need to avoid Mr. Hugeface’s hand during this scene as well.
From this point onward, your choices and quick time event results don’t matter. You can proceed freely and end up on his route.
END09: Adolescence
Load Chapter 4, Scene 18. If you don’t have it yet, follow these steps:
- Reload Chapter 4, Scene 14, and walk in. Progress through the game as usual.
- Once inside, look up. During the quick time events, ensure you pick run to the door, go through the hallway, and touch the door.
- Then, turn around in time before the timer runs out and push past him.
- You’ll be prompted to choose between “Was big,” “Was normal,” or “Was small.” Choose “Was big.”
- When prompted, select “To find the exit.”
END10: Dark Beyond Darkness
Reload Chapter 4, Scene 20, and wait until the timer runs out. If you don’t have it, follow these steps:
- Reload Chapter 4, Scene 14, and walk in. Progress through the game as normal.
- Once inside, look up. During the quick time events, make sure to run to the door, go through the hallway, and touch the door.
- Turn around before the timer runs out and push past him.
- You’ll be prompted to choose between “Was big,” “Was normal,” or “Was small.” Choose “Was big.”
- When prompted, select “To defeat that guy.”
- At the very last quick time event, make sure to let the timer run out.
END11: Lost Little Me
- In Chapter 4, Scene 25, click on the gap to the left.
- Move to the elevator, and respond to Mr. Gap with the first and then the third option.
END12: Sore Loser + Fight END
- Reload Chapter 1, Scene 1, and allow the timer to expire when Mr. Crawling appears.
- Enter the location he came from, proceed through, and look up before time ends.
To access the Fight END, select “Beyond” after END12, face Mr. Machete, and succeed in all quick-time events.
END13: And Then I Saw No One + Mr. Chopped Head
END13: And Then I Saw No One + Route END: Mr. Chopped Head.
- Reload Chapter 1 Scene 1 (only available once you’ve gone through to Chapter 5 I believe) and when Mr. Crawling appears, make sure to let the time run out.
- Enter where he came from and kill/ignore everyone you come past. It doesn’t matter.
- Do NOT look up and make sure to let the timer run out.
- Make a save file once you’ve found Mr. Chopped.
Reloading The Save and Killing Mr. Chopped:
Get the END13: And Then I Saw No One
Reloading The Save and Talking to Mr. Chopped:
Any answers work here.
Route END: Mr. Chopped Head
END14: Pet
- Reload Chapter 4 Scene 14 and walk in. Progress through the game as normal.
- Once inside, look up. During the quick time events, make sure to pick run to the door, through the hallway, and touch on the door.
- Then, turn around in time before the timer runs out and push past him.
- You’ll be prompted to choose between “Was big”, “Was normal”. or “Was small”. Choose “Was small” to get into Mr. Hood’s Route. Just play through the route until you get to the Second Unnumbered Chapter Scene 19. Alternatively, you can load a save file closest to this if you’ve already played through Mr. Hood’s route before.
Once meeting Mr. Hugeface, let the time bar run out.
END15: Eternal Slumber
- Load Chapter 4 Scene 33 and ignore the crying. Move on into the next room.
- Go into the second door if you want to see a little scene between Mr. Silvair and Mr. Chopped, otherwise go into the first door.
End: Mr. Crawling
Load Chapter 4 Scene 33. Alternatively, you can also start from Chapter 4 Scene 26, or Chapter 4 Scene 17 or Chapter 4 Scene 18 and choose “Was normal” if you don’t have that option yet. Then just follow along the guide below.
To start from the very beginning, then:
- Reload Chapter 4 Scene 14 and walk in. Progress through the game as normal.
- Once inside, look up. During the quick time events, make sure to pick run to the door, through the hallway, and touch on the door.
- Then, turn around in time before the timer runs out and push past him.
- You’ll be prompted to choose between “Was big”, “Was normal”. or “Was small”. Choose “Was normal” to get into Mr. Crawling’s route.
- Break the door open, and when prompted with four options, pick the third one.
- Your choices doesn’t matter until you get to the elevator. Choose to “do nothing”.
- When prompted with two options, choose “Killed”.
- When hearing the crying noises, go to the room closest to you (on the right) and open the locker.
- Your choices doesn’t matter until you get to a room with beds with Mr. Crawling. Pick the first option.
From here on your choices don’t matter, answer whatever you want.
END16: The Story Goes On Forever
- Load Chapter 5 Scene 7
- Pick the second option with Mr. Gap.
- Choose to sleep three times in a row.
END17: Don’t Make Me Worry
- Load Episode 5 Scene 10 and choose the second option.
- Your choices all lead to the ending, so pick whatever you want.
END18: Stitched Up Daydream
- Load Episode 5 Scene 10 and choose the first option.
2.When prompted with left or up choice, choose “up” but don’t brake.. Interact with Mr. Stitch and attack him. - When prompted, pick the second option.
You can pick whatever after this part.
END19: Best of Mr. Gap
- Load Chapter 5 Scene 7
- Pick the first option with Mr. Gap.
- Break the mirror and go to the right, then forward.
- When prompted with a bar to write text in, write the wrong name.
- When you enter the room after the telephone and turn the corner, you meet Mr. Scarletella. Press on him instead of leaving. Attack him, then turn right
- Let the timer run out then attack him twice more.
Faced with Mr. Scarletella standing in front of you, pick: first option, second option, second option, first option, first option, first option.
Let the timer run out and Mr. Gap will help you. Pick whichever choice you want.
Return End
- Go to Chapter 4 Scene 25 and click on the gap on the left side of the room.
- Continue moving and go into the elevator.
- When talking to Mr. Gap in the wall, answer with the first option, then the second option.
- When you talk to Mr. Gap in the bag, your answer doesn’t matter, just progress with the story.
Scarlet End - Load Chapter 5 Scene 7
- Pick the first option with Mr. Gap.
- Break the mirror and go to the right, then forward.
- When prompted with a bar to write text in, write the name you picked before.
Scarletella End
- Load Chapter 5 Scene 7
- Pick the first option with Mr. Gap.
- Break the mirror and go to the right, then forward.
- When prompted with a bar to write text in, write the wrong name.
- When you enter the room after the telephone and turn the corner, you meet Mr. Scarletella. Press on him instead of leaving. Attack him, then turn right
- Let the timer run out then attack him twice more.
- Faced with Mr. Scarletella standing in front of you, pick: second option, first option, first option, second option, second option, second option.
(Quit to title to see a new title screen!)
Scarlet Rain End
- Load Chapter 5 Scene 7
- Pick the first option with Mr. Gap.
- Break the mirror and go to the right, then forward.
- When prompted with a bar to write text in, write the wrong name.
- When you enter the room after the telephone and turn the corner, you meet Mr. Scarletella. Press on him instead of leaving. Attack him, then turn right
- Let the timer run out then attack him twice more.
- Faced with Mr. Scarletella standing in front of you, pick: first option, second option, second option, first option, first option, first option.
- Pick “break” within the time limit.
- When you see his red umbrella, pick “talk” then whichever choice you want.
- Give him whatever name you want.
(Quit to title to see a new title screen!)
Victory End
- Load Chapter 5 Scene 7
- Pick the first option with Mr. Gap
- Break the mirror and go to the right, then forward.
- When prompted with a bar to write text in, write the wrong name.
- When you enter the room after the telephone and turn the corner, you meet Mr. Scarletella. Press on him instead of leaving. Attack him, then turn right
- Let the timer run out then attack him twice more.
- Faced with Mr. Scarletella standing in front of you, pick: first option, second option, second option, first option, first option, first option.
- Pick “break” within the time limit.
- When you see his red umbrella, pick “Break”
Goodbye End, Awakening End, and Tranquil End
Goodbye End
Important Note: Ensure you’ve already completed the Scarlet Rain End.
- Load Chapter 5, Scene 24, and choose to run.
- When presented with two options in the mirror room, select “run” again (choosing “go back” will lead to the scene with Mr. Scarletella, forcing you to repeat the process).
- Talk to the telephone and select the second option.
Awakening End
- Load Chapter 5, Scene 25, and choose to break the umbrella.
- You’ll be asked to choose between a smartphone or a telephone. It’s recommended to save here, as the endings will branch at this point.
If you select the smartphone, you will achieve the Awakening End.
Tranquil End
- Load Chapter 5, Scene 25, and choose to break the umbrella.
- You’ll be asked to choose between a smartphone or a telephone. It’s recommended to save here, as the endings will branch at this point.
If you select the telephone, you will have two options:
- Choosing “I defeated it” will lead to the Victory End.
- Choosing “I was dreaming” will lead to the Tranquil End.