This setup has been effective across Hard, Nightmare, and Hell difficulties, making mid to late game easier while reducing the need for save scumming.
Home Behind 2: Build Guide for High Difficulties
This setup has served me well across Hard, Nightmare, and Hell difficulties. While it may not guarantee success every time-especially early game due to bad RNG or low Revolutionary Heritage-this build has significantly improved my chances. It turns mid to late game into a breeze and nearly eliminates the need for save scumming.
If you’ve played through at least Hard difficulty, you should have completed a few key tasks to make this build possible:
- Unlocked the Elite Adviser class (Chris Exclusive)
- Unlocked the Engineer class (the one with turrets, not the one that boosts team defense)
- Earned or invested some Revolutionary Heritage to power up your build
You don’t need to grind too much before trying this setup, as it focuses on the Elite Adviser class (more on that later).
Below is an image of my Revolutionary Heritage investments. I recommend prioritizing Starting Stats and Starting Talents for a strong start with Banan and Chris.
- Starting Stats: Provides extra skill points to allocate into Strength, Agility, Intelligence, etc.
- Starting Talents: Allows rolling for bonus skills, which can include additional stat points or increased Max HP.
These early investments give a solid edge when building out your characters.

Note that even with this build you shouldn’t skip directly to the Hell difficulty, as it can be a huge pain in the ass for a weak starting team to face off against enemies with powerful weapons, armor and huge bonuses to their stats and talents. If you notice that you keep losing fights, good idea to replay the Hard difficulty just a couple more times and earn some more Revolutionary Heritage.
The most vital part of the guide I’d argue would be this part. I have included images of roughly what their starting stats and talents should look like.
Assign the Engineer class to Banan, and the Elite Adviser class to Chris.
Note that when you roll for Starting Talents, they don’t have to be the exact number as I’ve written, they are there just to clarify what they should look like, just try to get a few boosts of these types. (I’ve listed the talents top to bottom for both characters in terms of what I think is more important)
For Banan, allocate points towards Fitness and Agility. Then start rolling for talents, the talents you should try to obtain would be:
- Defense boosts (e.g Defense +20% and/or Defense +5)
- Fitness stat boosts (e.g Fitness +5)
- Speed boosts (e.g Speed +10%)
- Agility stat boosts (e.g Agility +5)
- Block Rate boosts (e.g Block Rate +10%)

For Chris, allocate points towards Resolve and Agility. Then for talents, try to obtain:
- Dodge boosts (e.g Dodge +10%)
- Speed boosts (e.g Speed +10%)
- Resolve stat boosts (e.g Resolve +5)
- Morale boosts (e.g Morale +10%)
- Agility stat boosts (e.g Agility +5)

The Height, Weight and Hobbies section aren’t terribly important, just pick a Height, Weight, and Hobby that would assist in boosting the above mentioned stats/talents for the respective characters.
Then just simply pick the desired difficulty, and begin the game.
How to use (Role, Weapons, Armor etc)
This build, when paired with the right Weapons and Armor, will basically transform this game into something akin to an idle game; minimizing the need for you to interfere and take manual control of your characters. That being said, in my experience it has been so unbelievably effective to the point that it has gotten boring to use.
This build is all about slowing down enemies, preventing them from dishing out skills and attacks, all the while your team (mostly Banan’s turrets) returns with an overwhelming amount of firepower whilst also giving you time to recover simultaneously. In other words, this build turns each fight into more of a hold-out or a fight of endurance, just waiting out the enemies until the turrets dispatch them with ease.
Although the game has prescribed specific weapons and armor that each class specializes in, we don’t really need to follow that as the boosts that come with equipping the “specialty weapon/armor” isn’t a whole lot useful especially with this build.
For Banan:
- Weapon: Light SMG with a high speed rating. Boosts to her appropriate stats and skills (e.g Fitness, Agility, Speed) will also help greatly.
- Armor: Heavy Armor with a high defense rating. Try to obtain one that would also not penalize her speed rating too much. Again, stat and talent boosts are very welcome.
Banan will basically act as the team’s Tank DPS. A huge advantage of her turrets is that unlike other deployables like the Spy’s nano drone, her turrets stay up for the whole duration of the fight, meaning ideally her high defense and possibly block rate will allow her to soak up all the damage that the enemies deal, whilst her Nitrogen Turret slows down enemies, Hover Turret attacks them and her Superior Enhancement skill will continuously speed up the rate at which the turrets will fire.
For Chris:
- Weapon: Pistol with a high speed rating. Boosts to his appropriate stats and skills (e.g Resolve, Dodge, Speed) will also help greatly.
- Armor: Light Armor with a high dodge rating. As said before, stat and talent boosts are very welcome.
Chris will be the backbone of the team. The Elite Adviser class has a set of very rare and powerful skills that will even allow your team to face off against enemies higher level than yours, prevailing with minimal damage and even earning a nice amount of XP as a result. The Elite Adviser class has a skill (Full-out Assault) which allows Chris to boost the whole team’s stats, meaning all stats such as Strength, Intelligence, Fitness etc, will all go up a huge amount for the whole duration of the fight. In other words, every aspect of your team will be improved greatly; speed, defense, crit rate, dodge ratings etc, will all go up.
The only drawback of Full-out Assault is that the stat boost doesn’t apply to Chris himself, hence increasing his dodge rating through the use of Starting Stats, Talents, Weapons and Armor as much as possible will ensure he stays alive to boost his team’s overall power. However, his “Special Training” skill (which is arguably just a weaker form of “Full-out Assault” and still lasts for the whole duration of the fight) does actually apply to him, so he can still obtain some stat boosts from that skill.
Now this part is mostly up to the RNG unfortunately (Enemy capture chance, Recruitment persuasion checks etc.) as if you are unlucky it may take a good long while until you come across a character with the right class for this build.
Although, when you begin a new game and meet Haroun again, you have the choice to pick his class from three available classes. For this build, Haroun as a witch doctor will be the best choice simply because healing is a necessity for this build and this guarantees that your team has a healer at the very start of the game.
When he unfortunately dies to Amir’s ambush in the second main mission, you’ll have to replace him, the Norto Republic will give a free purple teammate, however the class is completely dependent on RNG.
Other than the Witch Doctor class, the optimal classes for the other two possible teammates would usually be either:



Personally, I’d take a Cook alongside a Medic, Surgeon or Witch Doctor, even if the Cook is arguably the worst out of all the mentioned classes at healing, the Cook’s “Scrumptious Meal” skill can also boosts the team’s stat points for the whole duration of a fight, meaning even when Chris can’t boost his own stats quickly, he can boosts the Cook’s, and the Cook can then boost Chris’ stat points in return.
Although at first glance it seems like their healing prowess (especially the Medic’s and the Cook’s) is considerably less effective than the Surgeon’s or the Witch Doctor’s, Chris’ Elite Adviser class will boost their stats, specifically the Intelligence stat, greatly improving their Heal Effect and enabling all healing skills to heal a great amount of health, possibly even max health with each use.
Note that since the Surgeon’s “Field Surgery” skill can only heal one person with each use, even with all the help from Chris it may still be helpful if you manually pick who to heal.
That’s about it! If executed properly—and with a bit of good RNG—no enemy team will stand a chance against yours. Give it a try, and I hope you found this guide helpful!