This guide will explain how to obtain each of the 11 endings in Grunn.
How to Get All 11 Endings in Grunn
This guide explains how to obtain all 11 endings in Grunn.
Earning Money
Some endings require you to collect money. You’ll earn 2 coins for every task completed in the garden (note: activities in the park and graveyard won’t reward any coins). In total, you can earn 10 coins from these tasks, plus an additional 15 coins by exploring the world.
Fuel Station Shortcut
As you explore, you’ll discover a shortcut leading from your garden. The key is that you can unlock it from the garden side early in the game. This shortcut will come in handy for several different endings.

Summoning rain
Summoning rain will simplify few things for some endings.
This is missable and has to be done before 12 PM of Satuday.
- Open the shortcut from the garden. Go out and to the left. You will find a gas station.
- Go into the corn field near the gas station. There will be a tent in the middle. Grab a toilet paper roll nearby.
- Go back to your house (either by shortcut, or by the bridge), go to the toilet. Interact with the third stall.
- The stall will open, revealing secret path. Go inside, you will find a blue coin.
- Proceed to the graveyard, throw the coin into the well.
Skipping time
You can skip time in the game. Find any bench and interact with it to skip 1 hour. Closest bench to your garden is in the graveyard.
The maze solution
For few endings you need to go through the maze. Here is how to solve it.
- On the first fork, pick right
- Immediately pick left turn.
- Go forward ignoring all turns until you are forced to go left.
- Ignore all turns until you get a choice between left and right; pick right.
- One the next fork, pick left.
- Past this point, the path is linear (there will be turns, but they will be visible dead ends).
Ending 1: Darkness
Skip the time until midnight. Ignore the message that you should go to sleep. Just stay still until you get the ending.
Ending 2: Drowned
- Open shortcut from the garden.
- Go across the bridge immediately to your right.
- Go into the stone structure (bunker?), grab the trowel.
- Water will start rising, just sit and wait for the ending.
Ending 3: Bus
- Get 10 coins. Refer to the corresponding section of this guide.
- Ensure you have fixed the bridge to the bus station.
- Wait for the Monday. Interact with the bus driver to pay for the ride and take a seat.
Ending 4: Mist
Just wait until the Monday. On the Monday, do nothing until you get the ending.
Ending 5: Strange Hallway
- Ensure you don’t have the strange key.
- Wait for the Sunday.
- Leave your shed, get some distance from it (I’m not sure what is exact requirement, going into graveyard area is sufficient).
- Go back to your shed, its interior will change.
- Open the door to the right in the new shed interior. You will end up in the strange corridor.
- Run across the corridor until you reach the door. Interact with the door to ensure it is locked.
- Look back, you will see a person approaching. Once they jump at you, you will get the ending.
Ending 6: Maze
- Ensure you don’t have a compass, otherwise you can’t get this ending.
- Call the rain.
- There will be a structure in your graveyard. At some point of time, the doorway will appear on it.
- Go into the maze. Wander around until you find a room with weird rune on the floor.
- Interact with the rune, and you will get the ending.
Ending 7: End of the world
Walkthrough for this ending is identical to the ending 11. Please refer to the corresponding section of the guide.
When going through steps for ending 11, do not pick up the purified stone.. Other then this, proceed as usual.
Ending 8: Dog
- Open the shortcut from the garden.
- Follow the road to the right, until you see the dog.
- Try to pet the dog (well, not really, just get really close). You will get the ending.
Ending 9: Picnic
You will need to achieve 100% completion on the garden, the graveyard and the park in the same playthrough. It is not hard if you focus on this task alone. Do not bother getting instruments other than sheers and trowel (unless required to access new areas). Summoning rain helps you by removing one of the tasks altogether.
By achieving 100% in each area, you will open additional doorway in the area (you will get the corresponding message).
- The graveyard passage will give you a blanket.
- The park passage will give you a sandwich.
- The garden passage will lead you to the clearing.
Obtain the blanket and sandwich, bring them to the clearing. Interacting with the area in the center of the clearing will put the blanket there. Interacting with the blanket will put the sandwich there. If
If the game keeps just telling something like “it could use a sandwitch”, leave the area and re-enter it.
Interact with the sandwich to get the ending.
Ending 10: Sacred Flowers
Go to the graveyard and cut as many white flowers as you can (you will get a specific sound when you cut those). Eventually you will get the ending.
Ending 11: Good ending
This is basically correct way to finish the game, and will interact with majority of objects in the game. I will skip obvious steps which you should already be aware of, as the list is going to be long anway. Buckle up.
- Right at the start, in the bus, check last row seats to get a coin.
- Be careful to not interact with moving grass in the garden, it will be important later.
- Go around the shed and grab the coin.
- Get to the shed, grab sheers and toilet key.
- Break the wall with rotten plank, open the shortcut.
- Grab the hammer in the car trunk.
- Grab the graveyard key in the bathroom.
- Open the gates to the graveyard.
- To the left of the gates to the graveyard, there is a gnome statue. Smash it with the hammer, get the coin from it.
- Enter the graveyard. Run right to the bulletin board. Check the tree trunk behind the board to get the door knob.
- Alternatively door knob will spawn in the cut grass once you reach 20% of graveyard area completion. I’m not sure which is faster.
- Use door knob on the red door in the church, go inside.
- Inside, follow the route until the fork. Turn right, grab a magic trumpet and a coin nearby.
- Return to the fork and go another way until you leave the tunnel.
- Open shortcut to the church.
- Break the vases near the memorial to get the coin. Interact with traffic cone near the fallen tree to get another one.
- Run into the corn field, targetting the center. You will find the tent. Get the toilet paper nearby.
- Leave the corn field. Go the the gas station. Enter the gas station and leave immediately, you will see a bunch of gnomes.
- Check the area to the left of gas station, you will find a board.
- Check gazebo across the road from the gas station, grab another coin.
- Go back to the bus station, go across the bridge, repair it with the plank to get across.
- Use magic trumpet near the moving grass, you will reveal a shadowy figure. With small delay, it will turn into an idol. Grab the idol.
- Go to the graveyard. To the left of the garden entrance, find the well. Throw blue coin into it. This will water all the plants in the game.
- Get back to the broken gnome. You will see the new door in the wall. Check the area with garbage bins to the left of the door to find another coin. Enter the new door.
- Go through the red doorway, grab the gnome idol.
- Go through the blue doorway, you will end up in the park.
- Right after entering the park, check the trunk in the double tree to the right. Get another coin.
- Go to the small grey area in front of the food track. There will be lighter among the trash. Grab it.
- Clean the trash until you see the message about something changed. This usually happens on 20%, watering all flowers should cover a part of it, so gathering some trash should be enough,
- Go to the open area between two buildings (with small playground). Go behind the left building, there will be a doorway.
- Light up all 5 candles around hay stack. New doorway will appear in the stack. Enter it.
- In the new area, a girl will sell some stuff. If you’ve collected all mentioned coins, you should have 11 coins. Buy the strange disk, the compass and the key. Leave the area by the doorway to the left (not the one you’ve entered through).
- Pick the road to the left and keep running until you get to the gas station.
- Inside the station, open the office door. Use the computer twice (the screen must become red).
- The gas station will change to the shadow realm with trees. Go across to the other doorway. You will find yourself in the office of the house near the garden.
- Deactivate PC, go to the corridor, grab the bone right to your left. Then go right.
- Once you go past the stairs, check to the left and grab the church key. Proceed forward, you will find yourself in the bathroom.
- Go through shortcut, go to the right until you find the dog. Give the bone to the dog.
- Go into the building behind the dog and grab the toy boat.
- Backtrack to the gas station, go to the ferry.
- On the ferry, go into the doorway to the right. In the dinner area, stick to the right, until you see two kids. Give the toy boat to the kid. Another kid will go mad and turn into the short idol.
- (skip this step for “End of the world” achievement”). Leave the ferry. Interact with the bike nearby. You will see yellow cylinder to your left. Interact with it to burn it. This will distract two persons who are playing the game inside the room neraby. Go inside the room and grab the purified stone. Use the bike to leave the area.
- Backtrack to the garden. Go into the doorway in the cylindric stucture. Get across the flooded chasm and enter the maze.
- Refer to the corresponding section of the guide for navigating the maze.
- At the end of the maze, you will find a fountain and a person on a chair. Smack the person with the hammer few times, it will turn into the tall idol. The doorway now should lead outside.
- Near the broken fence, there will be a door with the flower on it. Go inside, and grab a flower gem.
- Go to the graveyard and wait for the midnight. There will be door you can knock on. If you do this past midnight, it will open.
- Open the door on the left and enter the chapel. Use a flower gem on the altar, it will open passage to the crypt.
- In the crypt, put all the idols on their places, and leave the church. You will find the world burning.
- Go to the house. The central door will be open. Inside, go through the first door the the right. Talk to the ghost, who will ask you to get the sword in the attic, and give you the attic key.
- Run to the attic, search the boxes. One of them will have the sword. Grab the sword, go outside and smack the demon near the church entrance.
- Talk with the ghost on the porch, and use the church gates to get the ending.
In this guide, you’ll find everything you need to unlock all 11 endings in Grunn, helping you navigate the various paths and choices throughout the game.