Photo locations of all podcasts for the “Listen to All Podcasts” achievement in Get to Work.
Get To Work: Grindset Podcast Locations
Credit: Sea Jay.
Applying for Jobs
The first podcast is located right after the first set of triple planks.

Warehouse Worker
The first podcast is above and to the left of the warehouse entrance.

The second podcast is inside a tube. Use the red square to ramp into the area.

The third podcast is near the end of the warehouse. You need to jump to the next platform, circle back, and use the height from the halfpipe to reach it.

Unpaid Intern
The first podcast can be obtained by perfecting the double half ramps.

The second podcast is located directly after starting the first-floor ramp. Drop down to reach it.

Junior Financial Analyst
First Podcast – Release at the top of the gear and go forward to ramp up to the shown podcast.

Second Podcast – The easiest way is to continue to Middle Management Interview and drop down near the end.

Middle Management Interview
Only Podcast – Located on a floating platform. Continue to the further platform and jump from there. A hanging jump may be needed to reach it.

Middle Management
First Podcast – Noticeable from the black straight-away in the window. Drop off the ledge and wrap around to reach it.

Second Podcast – Located on top of a shelf and can be grabbed by drifting on the glass roof.

Third Podcast – Found on top of a glass building, reached by taking the “Stay” path.

Fourth Podcast – Jump from the blue ramp onto the glass and ramp up, being careful not to fall off.

Fifth Podcast – During the Light Wood section, drop onto the blue structure to obtain it.

Department Head
Only Podcast – Located by ramping over the second horseshoe to a window with the podcast hanging out.

Vice President
First Podcast – After going around the room and through the wall again, stop at the window and ramp to the ledge below.

Second Podcast – Obtained by dropping down to the previous level. Look down to the ledge visible from Department Head. A ramp leads to a bounce pad that brings you back to Vice President.

Third Podcast – Near the end, continue through the loops, then drop down to the grey ledge with a ramp to launch to the podcast.

Last and Final Podcast – Located in the middle of the air during the secret ending path. Pass the sequence of ramps leading to horizontal halfpipe-like turns, then drop to ledges with a ramp to jump to a hidden area. Use the launch pad there to reach the last podcast.