In our guide, we explain the most important abbreviations and terms in Flight Simulator 2024.
Key Abbreviations and Terms Explained
The language of aviation is full of abbreviations and insider terms. We’ve broken down the most important ones for you in plain language.
Aviation Abbreviations and Terms Explained
IAA, QDM, NOTAM, MCDU… Feeling lost? Don’t worry! We’re here to make sense of the alphabet soup.
A to D
Term / Abbreviation | Meaning |
AAL | Above Aerodrome Level |
ABM | Abeam |
ACft | Aircraft |
ADF | Automatic Direction Finder |
AGL | Above Ground Level |
AIP | Aeronautical Information Publication |
AIRAC | Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control |
AIS | Aeronautical Information Service |
ALT | Altitude (above MSL) |
ALTN | Alternate |
AMSL | Above Mean Sea Level |
APCH | Approach |
APP | Approach |
APT | Airport |
ARP | Airport Reference Point |
ATA | Actual Time of Arrival |
ATC | Air Traffic Control |
ATD | Actual Time of Departure |
ATIS | Automatic Tower Information Service |
BCN | Beacon |
BDRY | Boundary |
BRG | Bearing |
CAT | Category |
CAVOK | Clouds and Visibility OK |
CDU | Control and Display Unit (FMC/FMS for Boeing) |
CH | Channel |
CLR | Clearance |
CLSD | Closed |
COM | Communication |
Callsign | ATC Callsign |
CTN | Caution |
DEG | Degree |
DEP | Departure |
DES | Descent |
DEST | Destination |
DIST | Distance |
DME | Distance Measurement Equipment |
E to G
Term / Abbreviation | Meaning |
EET | Estimated Elapsed Time |
E/T | Equal Time Point |
ELEV | Elevation |
EMAS | Engineered Materials Arrestor System |
EQPT | Equipment |
EST | Estimate |
ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival |
ETD | Estimated Time of Departure |
ETOPS | Extend-Range Twin-Engine Operations |
EXP | Exception |
FAC | Facilities |
FAC | Forward Air Controller |
FIC | Flight Information Centre |
FIR | Flight Information Region |
FIS | Flight Information Service |
FL | Flight Level |
FLG | Flashing |
FLT | Flight |
Fly-by-Wire | Fly-by-wire control system |
FMC | Flight Management Computer |
FMS | Flight Management System |
FPM | Feet per Minute |
FREQ | Frequency |
ft | Feet |
H to L
Term / Abbreviation | Meaning |
GA | General Aviation |
GAFOR | General Aviation Forecast |
GEO | Geographic (true) |
GLD | Glider |
GMT | Greenwich Mean Time |
GND | Ground |
GP | Glidepath (ILS) |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GS | Ground Speed |
GS | Glideslope |
HDG | Heading |
HGT | Height |
HJ | Sunrise to Sunset |
HN | Sunset to Sunrise |
hPa | Hectopascal |
Hz | Hertz |
IAA | Initial Approach Altitude |
IAS | Indicated Airspeed |
IATA-Code | Codes for airports, airlines, and aircraft types assigned by IATA |
ICAO-Code | Identification codes for airports, airlines, and aircraft assigned by ICAO |
ICE | Ice |
ID | Identification |
IFR | Instrument Flight Rules |
ILS | Instrument Landing System |
IM | Inner Marker |
IMC | Instrument Meteorological Conditions |
INOP | Inoperable |
INT | Intersection |
INTL | International |
IRS | Inertial Reference System |
Kts | Knots |
Lb | Pound |
LDA | Localizer-type Directional Aid |
LDA | Landing Distance Available |
LGT | Light/Lighting |
LNAV | Lateral Navigation |
LOC | Localizer |
LTD | Limited |
M to O
Term / Abbreviation | Meaning |
M | Meters |
Mag | Magnetic |
MAG | Magneto |
MAP | Missed Approach Point |
MAX | Maximal |
Mb | Millibar |
MET | Meteorological/Meteorology |
MCDU | Multifunction Control and Display Unit (FMC/FMS – Airbus) |
METAR | Meteorological Aerodrome Report |
MHz | Megahertz |
MLS | Microwave Landing System |
MM | Middle Marker |
MNM | Minimum |
MRA | Minimum Reception Altitude |
MRVA | Minimum Radar Vectoring Altitude |
MSL | Mean Sea Level |
NAV | Navigation |
NDB | Non-Directional Beacon |
NM | Nautical Miles (1,852 meters) |
NN | Mean Sea Level (MSL) |
NOTAM | Notice to Airmen |
OBST | Obstruction |
OM | Outer Marker |
P to R
Term / Abbreviation | Meaning |
PAX | Passengers |
PAPI | Precision Approach Path Indicator |
PF | Pilot Flying |
PIC | Pilot in Command |
Platzrunde / Traffic Pattern | A defined circuit around an airfield to organize traffic. Usually flown to the left unless otherwise specified. |
PLN | Plan |
POB | Persons on Board |
Popometer | “Flying by the seat of your pants” – physically sensing flight conditions. |
Pushback | Moving an aircraft backward from its parking spot using a tow vehicle. |
PWR | Power |
QDM | Magnetic Heading to Radio Navaid |
QDR | Magnetic Heading from Radio Navaid |
QFE | Pressure at Aerodrome |
QNH | Pressure related to MSL |
RA | Radar Altitude |
“Rabbits” | Nickname for sequenced flashing lights on the ground (Lead-in Lights). |
RNAV | Random Area Navigation |
RNG | Range |
RNP | Required Navigational Performance |
RVR | Runway Visual Range |
RWY | Runway |
S to T
Term / Abbreviation | Meaning |
SAR | Search and Rescue |
SID | Standard Instrument Departure |
SR | Sunrise |
SS | Sunset |
STAR | Standard Terminal Arrival Route |
STOL | Short Take-Off and Landing |
SWY | Stopway |
TAF | Terminal Area Forecast |
TAS | True Airspeed |
Taxiing | Slow movement of an aircraft on the ground under its own power. |
TDZ | Touch Down Zone |
TFC | Traffic |
THR | Threshold |
TKOF | Take Off |
T/O | Take Off |
TORA | Take-Off Run Available |
TO/GA | Take Off / Go Around (Thrust) |
TOD | Top of Descent |
TR | Track |
TWY | Taxiway |
U to Y
Term / Abbreviation | Meaning |
UHF | Ultra High Frequency |
UTC | Universal Time Coordinated |
VAL | Visual Approach and Landing |
VASI | Visual Approach Slope Indicator |
VFR | Visual Flight Rules |
VHF | Very High Frequency |
VIA | By way of… |
VIS | Visibility |
VMC | Visual Meteorological Conditions |
VNAV | Vertical Navigation |
VOR | VHF Omnidirectional Range |
VOR/DME | VHF Omnidirectional Range with Distance Measuring Equipment |
Vs | Stall Speed |
WCA | Wind Correction Angle |
WX | Weather |
Yoke | Control yoke (steering wheel of an aircraft) |