Farming Simulator 25: Cheats & Console Commands

How to Enable Cheats and Use Developer Console Commands in Farming Simulator 25.

Farming Simulator 25: Cheats & Console Commands

To unlock and use console commands in Farming Simulator 25, follow this step-by-step guide to enable the developer console and access a variety of commands for in-game customization.

Step 1: Enabling Cheats

First, log in to your Steam account and navigate to your game library. Right-click on Farming Simulator 25 and select Properties. In the General tab, locate the “Launch Options” field and add -cheats to it. This will activate cheat mode for the game, allowing access to additional commands.

Step 2: Enabling the Developer Console

To access the developer console, you’ll need to enable it in the game’s configuration file.

  1. Go to Documents > My Games > Farming Simulator 2025.
  2. Open the game.xml file with Notepad.
  3. Scroll down to the “developer” line. Under it, find “controls” and change the value from “false” to “true” if necessary.
  4. Save the changes and launch the game.
  5. Press F2 to display your FPS.
  6. To remove the 60 FPS cap, type enableframeratelimit false.

Step 3: Accessing the Console

In-game, you can now open the console by pressing the tilde (~) key, which is usually located above the TAB key on most keyboards. Some keyboards may require different keys, like the é or F2 key.

Important Note: The console has two modes, which you can switch between by pressing the tilde (~) key (often found next to the 1 key, depending on your keyboard layout):

  • Reading mode: Use the PageUp and PageDown keys to scroll through console lines.
  • Command mode: This mode lets you enter commands directly.

Useful Console Commands

After enabling the console, here’s a list of essential commands to enhance your gameplay:

gsMoneyAddAdds the specified amount to your account (e.g., gsMoneyAdd 1000000 for a quick million).
gsTimeSetChanges the in-game time (e.g., gsTimeSet 12 to set the time to noon).
gsWeatherSetAdjusts the weather (e.g., gsWeatherSet Rain to make it rain).
showFpsToggles the FPS display on/off.
gsSnowAddAdds snow to the game for a winter landscape.
gsSnowResetRemoves all snow from the map.
gsSnowAddSaltSpreads salt around the player.
enableCloudFxToggles cloud effects for atmospheric changes.
setFogPlaneHeightChanges the fog height for altered visibility.
gsPlayerFlightModeEnables flight mode, letting you explore the farm from above.
gsVehicleAddDamageAdds damage to your vehicle (use with caution, as this can lower performance).
gsVehicleAddDirtAdds dirt to the vehicle.
gsVehicleFuelSetAdjusts the fuel level of your vehicle.
gsVehicleAddWearAdds wear and tear to the vehicle.
gsVehicleSaleSystemRefreshRefreshes the available vehicles for sale.
gsVehicleAnalyzeAnalyzes the vehicle’s current condition.
gsFarmlandBuyBuys a specific plot of land by ID.
gsFarmlandSellSells a specific plot of land by ID.
gsFarmlandBuyAllPurchases all farmland for easy expansion.
gsFarmlandSellAllSells all owned farmland if you want to downsize.
gsTreeAddSpawns a tree in front of you for quick landscaping.
gsBaleAdd [width] [height] [length] [wrapState] [modName]Creates a customized bale right in front of you.
gsPalletAddSpawns a pallet for added storage.
gsToggleFlightAndNoHUDModeEnables both flight mode and hides the HUD for immersive screenshots.
enableFramerateLimit falseRemoves the FPS cap for smoother gameplay.
gsHudVisibilityToggles HUD visibility to reduce screen clutter.
gsAIStartActivates AI to drive your vehicle to a target location.
gsAutoSaveIntervalSets how often the game automatically saves.
gsNetworkDebugToggles network debugging if you experience multiplayer issues.

Here are some handy developer console shortcuts for special rendering and in-game information:

  • F2: Display FPS.
  • F4: Toggle wireframe mode.
  • F5: Toggle collision and light wireframes.
  • F8: Show various technical stats.

Once gsToggleFlightAndNoHUDMode is activated, these keys become useful:

  • J: Enable or disable avatar flight mode.
  • Q / E: Move the avatar up or down while flying; hold Shift to increase flight speed.
  • Q: Show or hide the HUD, including help boxes, clocks, and vehicle/money displays.

While these commands can enhance gameplay and assist with tasks, avoid overusing cheats, as they may reduce the challenge and satisfaction of progress in the game. Enjoy using these tools to explore the full potential of Farming Simulator 25, but keep the balance for an enjoyable experience.