Guide to the Progress Report Phase and Voting in Death Note Killer Within.
Progress Report

After each day ends all players will be able to see who died, what progress if any was made on tasks and the overall progress on the bar for Team L and Team Kira.

Each segment filled of the progress bar grants a card which can be used during the day to give one side an advantage. The Team L cards are only able to be activated by the player with the L role and the Team Kira Cards are able to be activated by Kira or the Kira Follower.
Unlockable Team L Command Cards

Unlockable Team Kira Command Cards

Basics of Voting
Players are free to discuss and share any suspicions or information in order to decide a vote against who they think Kira is. Once a vote is placed it is unable to be changed.

It is also during this time when you will be notified if your ID was taken. The symbol shown will appear next to your placard if your ID is missing. This means a player who is Kira or Kira’s Follower was within range of you to steal your ID.
Stolen ID’s can be retrieved if players vote out Kira’s Follwer and the Follower is the one with their ID in their inventory. If a Kira Follower is voted out and is found to posses ID’s they will be arrested and will be absent from the rest of the game.
The goal of voting is to find the player who has possesion of the Death Note. This will end the game and award victory for Team L.

Team Kira can use this phase to shift blame on innocent players.
Anytime a vote is concluded on a player who has no evidence it will out the player’s identity therfore leaving them vunerable the next day to be killed by the Death Note.

In case of votes ending in ties- L’s vote will break the tie. If enough votes are not gathered to arrest someone then no one will be arrested.

The Role of L
The player who is playing L holds great power in the outcome of this phase. Not only does L break ties but it is also encouraged for L to shift the focus of the voting phase. Blame that other players may have, focus on key clues, and events in the day.

L has access to a scrollable list of announcement prompts which can be seen by every player and helps guide players into the right direction.

Once a player is voted by majority L is given responsibility of choosing a different player to empty the suspect’s pockets. The 2 players will also be forced to be chained together the next day if no evidence was found against the suspect; with the chosen player of L as the anchor.