Clock Tower Rewind: Endings Guide

Complete guide to all endings in Clock Tower Rewind.

Clock Tower Rewind: Endings Guide

Original mode is the same as the SNES version, the Rewind has some QoL changes, like healing faster, random encounter with the Scissorman and all the new content and cutscenes from the Playstation version.

You can achieve all endings in both mode, the only step that differs on each one is the 6th step, freeing the crows, which I will explain both versions.

How to finish the game

Clock Tower is a fairly simple game to finish, there are only 5 required items to achieve the end:

  1. West building key or Sharp-Edged Stone
  2. Ritual Key
  3. Statue or Cane
  4. Black Robe
  5. Perfume

These item are the only ones you need to open the way to the west wing, enter the ritual room, descend to the underground and get past the dog.

The only exception are endings G and H which are easier to achieve and you don’t need any of these items, but I’ll talk about them later.

What impacts the ending? [S – F]

Aside from endings G and H, all other endings depend on 6 steps:

1. Learn about the Clock Tower:

To get an ending above F you MUST learn about the Clock Tower and you can learn about it by two means:

  • If Lotte is still alive as you reach the underground, go talk to her on the altar far right from the dog
Clock Tower Rewind: Endings Guide
  • If Lotte died getting you out of the prison, you need to get the Silver Key to open the study room and read the books on the desk
Clock Tower Rewind: Endings Guide

2. Learn about Mary:

To get an ending above D you MUST know about Mary real intentions and you can learn about it by two means:

  • Reading about her in the secret room that Walter is in
Clock Tower Rewind: Endings Guide
  • Finding Mary on the phone room, being knocked out and dragged to the courtyard’s shack (you need the Ham to survive this scenario)
Clock Tower Rewind: Endings Guide

If you ALREADY learned the truth about Mary but encounters her on the phone room, leave immediately or you gonna get a dead end.

3. The elevator:

When you enter the final elevator on the underground, you can select a floor. The 1st floor button is always broken, choosing the 2nd or the 3rd floor changes the ending.

Clock Tower Rewind: Endings Guide

4. Laura and Anne:

In the beginning, one of them is inevitably killed and this doesn’t affect the grade of the ending at all, the initial death depends on what you do first:

  • Enter the foggy bathroom and check the shower – Laura dies
Clock Tower Rewind: Endings Guide
  • Ignore the bathroom and goes to the second hall – Anne dies
Clock Tower Rewind: Endings Guide
  • Go to the courtyard first before the bathroom or the second hall – Anne dies
Clock Tower Rewind: Endings Guide

(The game only continues after you see one of these three scenarios above.)

After that, seeing the second girl dying is OPTIONAL and DOES affect the ending:

  • If Anne dies first and you check the armor on the phone room – Laura dies
Clock Tower Rewind: Endings Guide
  • If Laura dies first and you hear a scream on the hall connecting the east and west wings and checks the window – Anne dies

(Lotte will always die, independent of your actions)

5. Walter Simpson and Simon Barrows:

You can only find one of them in each playthrough, once you see Walter or Simon, the other one disappears.

  • Walter – It’s on the secret room on the second floor
Clock Tower Rewind: All Endings Guide
  • Simon – It’s on the shack on the courtyard
Clock Tower Rewind: Endings Guide

6. Freeing the crows:

Rewind mode:
On the animal head room, keep the lights off and search for the Bronze Dagger on the box in the left of the room, then use it on the undead that gets out of the metal cabinet, he will drop the Cage Key.

Find the cage room and release the crow with the key you received.

Original mode:
Find the cage room, on the table is a dead crow with a key for the cage nearby, you can use it to free the crow.

Clock Tower Rewind: Endings Guide

How to achieve each ending? [S – F]

Now that you know all that affects the endings from S – F, let’s go to how to achieve each ending with the steps above:

Ending S:

  • 1. Learn about the Clock Tower
  • 2. Learn about Mary
  • 3. Select the 3rd floor
  • 4. Keep Laura or Ann alive
  • 5. Meet Walter
  • 6. Free the crow

Ending A:

  • 1. Learn about the Clock Tower
  • 2. Learn about Mary
  • 3. Select the 3rd floor
  • 4. Keep Laura or Ann alive
  • 5. Meet Simon
  • 6. Free the crow

Ending B:

  • 1. Learn about the Clock Tower
  • 2. Learn about Mary
  • 3. Select the 3rd floor
  • 4. Both Laura and Ann die
  • 5. (Doesn’t affect)
  • 6. (Doesn’t affect)

Ending C:

  • 1. Learn about the Clock Tower
  • 2. Learn about Mary
  • 3. Select the 2nd floor
  • 4. Both Laura and Ann die
  • 5. (Doesn’t affect)
  • 6. (Doesn’t affect)

Ending D:

  • 1. Learn about the Clock Tower
  • 2. DON’T learn about Mary
  • 3. Select the 2nd floor
  • 4. (Doesn’t affect)
  • 5. (Doesn’t affect)
  • 6. (Doesn’t affect)

Ending E:

  • 1. Learn about the Clock Tower
  • 2. DON’T learn about Mary
  • 3. Select the 3rd floor
  • 4. (Doesn’t affect)
  • 5. (Doesn’t affect)
  • 6. (Doesn’t affect)

Ending F:

  • 1. DON’T learn about the Clock Tower
  • 2. (Doesn’t affect)
  • 3. (Doesn’t affect)
  • 4. (Doesn’t affect)
  • 5. (Doesn’t affect)
  • 6. (Doesn’t affect)

What about endings G and H?

Now let’s go to the endings G and H, which are far easier than any other.

You don’t need any item listed before, both endings are about leaving the mansion with the car you find on the garage. The only item you need is the Car Key which is right next to it and you must interact the car with the key three times to achieve the ending.

If you:

  • Leave with the car after seeing BOTH Laura and Anne dying – G ending
  • Leave with the car after seeing only ONE of the girls dying – H ending
Clock Tower Rewind: Endings Guide

Tips & Hints

Seeing the optional kill of Anne is much easier, some say that only hearing her scream on the hall already triggers her death, so if you are going to ending S or A, I recommend seeing Anne dying first (don’t enter the foggy bathroom on the beginning) and NEVER interact with the armor on the phone room.

If you are going for the S ending you must learn about Mary by going to the secret room, if you learn about her by the phone room you will meet Simon and and not meet Walter, locking you out of the S route.

You can only do one ending per run, with the exception of the G and H ending, which you can achieve it and then select Continue on the menu and do any other ending.

The point of no return is getting past the dog on the underground, you cannot return to the mansion and is locked on one of the endings.

You can’t make a save before an ending, finish the game, load and then make other choices because when you load it’ll undo what you did before, so when you finish a run don’t forget to save, and then starts a new run.