How to farm Exhibition Points (EP) to enhance your Beyblade!
To earn Exhibition Points (EP), you need to win Exhibition Matches. While the game mentions this in a tutorial, I’m highlighting it here in case you skipped the messages.
Once you reach Floor 21, you can interact with the audience to collect EP. If you save your progress after obtaining EP, then close and reopen the game, you’ll be able to interact with the audience again. You can repeat this process as often as you like to earn unlimited EP! I’ve tested this method on both Steam (version 1.0.0) and Switch (version 1.0.2).

It’s worth mentioning that on Switch, the method stopped working when I left the floor to enhance my Beyblade. To make it work again, I had to go to the Lobby, save the game, close it, and then return to the 21st floor to respawn the audience interaction points.