Ballionaire: Mob Grinder Build

The easy Mob Grinder build for Ballionaire that helped me win on my first run.

Ballionaire: Mob Grinder Build

Credit: maneko.

Triggers and Balls

The screenshot shows a quick recreation of a build I used. My actual run, as well as yours, might differ slightly. The rest of my board looked similar, with some random additions, so I’ve only included the first column, which was my main moneymaker. I managed to make $1M during this run, though I’m still early in the game and haven’t unlocked everything yet. I’ll update this as I unlock more content!

Ballionaire Mob Grinder BuildMobs like Bombgoblin and Wyvern + Swords, Arrow Traps, and Mauls.

Destroying the Wyverns will give spell books which you can use to stack Spell of Ignition and Spell of Blight. Ignition is the most important as it will spawn a fireball for each one in stack.

Start stacking Topaz near the Spell of Ignition. This will give a fireball spawn multiplier.

Line the bottom with Mushrooms and Firecracker. This ensures longevity of the drop by shooting a dynamite up and raining fireballs as well as bouncing the balls up.

During this run, I have Bricks up top so that the fireballs that get bounced up can spawn Coin Balls. I have a Piggy Bank to bank the coin balls that hit it to get some bonus money each round.

Some offhand things are also Parachutes to help increase the run. I also have some Candles in spare places to run up the multipliers and was beginning to stack Amethyst as well to bump the multipliers up.


There’s probably a bunch of different boons you can use that I probably haven’t unlocked yet.. BUT these are the ones I used.

  • Astronaut Helmet: This partners good with the mushrooms and parachutes. It gives some bonus money if a ball flies off the top of the map.
  • Receipt: This one is a heavy hitter because you’ll be spawning a bunch of balls during a drop and it gives you bonus money for each one spawned.
  • Shopping List: Another good one because if your ball is carrying swords, it will respawn at the top of the board when it falls.
  • Returned Package: This is a favorite of mine. It’s kind of like a re-roll if you put something dumb on your board.

Tips for Build

Biggest tip for this run is mainly just to leave space for you to be able to stack the spells and gems. Also, I had the cave troll on there, but regretted it because sometimes he’d spawn a treasure chest where I’d left the free space to stack my spells and I didn’t have any removes left. From what I have unlocked right now I’d stick with Bombgobs and Wyverns.