A Date with Death: Endings Guide

This guide will help you unlock all the different endings in A Date with Death, including Beyond the Bet DLC.

A Date with Death: Endings Guide

Ending NameAchievementNotes
1: Bad EndingYes
2: Bad Ending Yes
3: Good EndingNo
4: Good Ending (DLC)NoThis ending is only available in the DLC, not included in the base game. A Date with Death: Expansion DLC
5: Wedding EndingYes

Bad Ending (1)

Don’t trust Grim.

This ending also unlocks the achievement Untrustworthy.

  • It occurs on Day 3.
  • During the soul connection, select the following options:
    1. “Grim… ma-maybe this is a bad idea…”
    2. “I… I think something’s wrong… this doesn’t feel right…”
    3. “Please… stop…”

Bad Ending (2)

A Date with Death: Endings GuideTake My Soul
Lose the bet.

This ending also unlocks the achievement Take My Soul.

  • To unlock this ending:
    1. Make mostly negative choices to upset or anger Casper/Grim.
    2. Do not water your plant on any day.
  • On Day 6, before the first call, select: “Vaguely, yeah” when Grim asks if you remember what happened after Casper/Grim was sick.
  • During the call, choose: “I don’t mind. I’ll take the sickness. The taint.” when discussing the use of your healing powers on others.

Good Ending (3)

  • For this ending you need to pick all the flirty choices. So flirt away all week with Casper/Grim.
  • Then on day 6 pick this text:”You really know how to sweep me off my feet.”
  • After that pick this text: ”You’re cute. Cute and stupid.”
  • And lastly pick this text: ”How do I stop? What if I give it all away?”

Good Ending (4) DLC

This ending is only available after purchasing the A Date With Death: Expansion DLC. To unlock this ending, you must select the DLC-specific choices throughout the game.

On Day 6, choose the following options:

  1. “Do you like me then, Casper?”
  2. “If I let my guard down, the reaper will steal me away~”
  3. “Maybe I’m a new class of reaper?”

Wedding Ending (5)

A Date with Death: Endings GuideOur Wedding
See the ”wedding” ending.
  • Joke about getting married with Casper/Grim throughout the game.
  • Then on Day 5 click on the text option: ”Want to meet the in-laws, Grim?
  • On day 6 click on the text option: ‘‘I feel touched!”, ”How about a shotgun wedding?

Beyond the Bet DLC: All Endings

How to Unlock All Endings in the Beyond the Bet DLC.

  • Choices don’t matter until the call on Day 9, when Grim asks you about your greatest fear.
  • Save your progress (you can access the menu by right-clicking during calls) when you see the option “But, something more serious…”
A Date with Death: Endings Guide

Ending 6: Bloom

You will know you have this ending if you dream of flowers.

Good Ending – You and Casper both become human and open a flower shop.

  1. When Grim asks about your greatest fear, choose: “I’m scared of missing the little things in life.”
  2. After talking about cup noodles, select: “When we live together, I’ll get the shelves stocked with original noodles. Got it.”
  3. When the chat room turns red, choose: “I won’t let you take our future!”
  4. At Grim’s place, select: “I’d really just like to go home…”

Ending 7: Forget Me Not

You will know you got this ending if have a nightmare.

Bad Ending – Casper dies and you are sent back to the human world with your memories erased.

  1. When Grim asks about your greatest fear, choose: “I’m scared of losing the people most important to me.”
  2. After the chat turns red, select: “…If I do, will you let Casper go?”
  3. After Grim says, “I was right to come,” choose: “I don’t want anything bad to happen to you…”
  4. When asked, “What’s the plan here?” choose: “Lock all the doors and stay inside forever?”

Ending 8: Interwoven

You will know you have this ending if you dream of connection.

Good Ending – You and Casper create a “soulbaby” to protect you from being hunted as a reaper/human couple and end up living together.

  1. When Grim asks about your greatest fear, choose: “I’m scared of not taking enough risks.”
  2. After Grim says, “It’s time,” select: “S…. soul baby time…?”
  3. After Grim talks about cup noodles, choose: “We could name our soul baby ‘Original’.”

Ending 9: Metamorphosis

You will know you got this ending if you dream of fire.

Good Ending – You and Casper join up with another reaper to lead a revolt on reaper society.

  1. When Grim asks about your greatest fear, choose: “I’m scared of leaving nothing behind to be remembered by.”
  2. After the chat room turns red, select: “I’ll never bow down to your stupid system.”
  3. After packing, choose: “Is there… some kind of safe house? A hideout we could use?”
  4. At Grim’s place, select: “Pack some bags and hide out somewhere in superhell?”

If you keep getting Ending 7

If you keep ending up with Ending 7, make sure your game is updated. A patch released a few hours after launch adjusted the mechanics to make it easier to achieve other endings.

Additionally, steer clear of choices linked to Ending 7 while focusing on the decisions that align with the route you’re aiming for.